Blackmail(Danny Fenton[Danny Phantom] X Reader)

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Might as well do a familiar character since I've been doing new ones lately.


You and Danny were at lunch. You were minding your own business and in your own conversation. Upon hearing Paulina and Dash say your name then laugh, your gaze locked on them. Danny noticed you not paying attention. "(N/N)?"

The two found your gaze. You instantly looked away. "What'd you say, Danny?"

He changed the subject by following where you'd looked away from. His eyebrows furrowed upon finding the culprits.

You knew he was up to something. "Danny, please don't."

"Were they talking shit?" he asked with acid green eyes.

"Maybe. I heard Dash say my name then both of them laugh," you answered. He stood. You grabbed his wrist. "Not now, Danny. I don't want you to get in trouble or exposed."

His fists clenched and relaxed. A sigh left his mouth. He sat back down. "They've got something coming. They can't talk about you like that. They don't know you."

"They're not worth your time and energy, Danny," you said. The lunch bell rang. "C'mon, let's get to Lancer's."


You and Danny met at the entrance of Casper High. Actually, it was more like you walking over to him while he glared at Paulina and Dash kissing. His eyes were green again.

Dash pulled back and said something to Paulina. They then looked at the two of you.

"He was talking shit, I read his lips," Danny said. He made a beeline for the couple. You followed. "Hey, Baxter! Sanchez!"

"What do you want, Fent-dork?" Dash taunted.

"Stop talking shit about (Y/N)," Danny demanded. "Leave her alone."

"It's not our fault she's so pathetic," Paulina scoffed. "Look, you're the one standing up for her. She's scared of her own shadow."

"She's weird, too. All she does is write. She even talks to herself when she's not with you," Dash added.

Danny looked at you. You were avoiding eye contact at all costs. You felt him hold your hand.

"At least she's not fake like you, Paulina," he spat. "She actually has a personality."

Paulina and Dash's eyes widened. Dash popped his knuckles to look intimidating. "You're pushing it, Fent-tard."

"You don't scare me anymore, Dash. (Y/N) literally has done nothing to you. Leave her alone or I'll get you expelled. You'll lose your stupid football scholarship and you won't be able to live down getting expelled by someone like me."

Dash cared way too much about his scholarship and you could see the fear in his eyes. He stumbled over his words. Paulina just scoffed at Dash's response and dragged him away.

Danny turned to you. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks, Danny."

"I recorded the whole thing," he smirked while pulling out his phone. He ended the video that was being captured. "They won't talk shit anymore. Nobody messes with you on my watch."

You hugged him. "Thanks, Danny."

He hugged back. "Don't mention it. Wanna come over?" he asked. He pulled back with a kiss to your cheek.

"Please," you begged and proceeded to be escorted to Fenton Works by the Fenton son himself.


I want to write more but I don't at the same time, so I'm stopping and if I end up changing my mind before I go to bed, so be it.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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