❄️The poem❄️

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Simple Girl

I hear what they say about you
They call you a simple girl
Plain Jane
Wall flower

Simple girl, they say
Because you're not strikingly beautiful
Because when you walk into a room, no one spares you a glance
No one notices you
Because your beauty is labeled as one that isn't noteworthy

But I , I think you are simply beautiful.

I'd notice you across a thousand rooms.
I believe you are noteworthy Otherwise I wouldn't be putting this pen to paper.

Honestly, this isn't even my first attempt at writing about you
There's something about you that's so boundless that I don't just think about you, dream about you, hope for you but I have to write....

I never write.

They call you simple
But isn't it the moon billions of people spend time gazing at, with awestricken eyes
The moon, so simple, yet so beautiful just like you

But people only love it from afar
They love it only when it shines
Only when they can relish on the beauty of the moonlight
I'm not afraid to get too close
I'm not afraid of the rough edges

My simple girl
Nobody comments on those dark brown eyes of yours
But will you believe me if I say I see the beauty from within
I want to stare at your eyes longer Closer

But I am afraid...

Afraid of ruining the perfect picture I have of you

In art galleries we stare at paintings and sculptures with awe in our eyes
But we're not allowed to get too close
We're not allowed to touch

You're art
So I keep my distance, in awe of you

My simple girl
Today you were smiling brightly
I wish I could know why
So that one day I would be the reason for that smile
Your brown eyes turned into crescent moons and believe me when I say they sparkled.
Your lips - My biggest temptation
were curved in the cutest way

My simple girl
Everything about you may be simple, common and ordinary to THEM

But your heart is extraordinary
Don't ask me how I know this
I just know this

Your heart, knitted together with an incorruptible beauty
It's like no other
They can say what they want but you,

You my love do NOT have a simple heart

My simple girl
You are beautiful
If God wills one day I will be able to see those eyes up close

To make you smile
To hold you
To notice the spots on your face and body that nobody noticed, not even you
All because they bypassed a treasure, labeling it as simple.

I need you to know that when you walk into a room and nobody notices
I saw you, I noticed you
Because you are

Simply beautiful 🌹

~Leonardo July

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