Chapter 4: A Trick and a Risk

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Dominique came out of the Exam Room with a broad smile on his face. "Let's just say I aced that exam so hard my new name is Ace!"

I laughed.

"Well, Hello Ace nice to meet you but I really need to speak to Dominique we have important business."

Dominique chuckled, putting his arm over my shoulder as walked to the courtyard. " So you're really doing this huh?"

" Yeah. What makes you think I'll change my mind? I've already wasted this whole year. I don't care if it's November."

" What do you care about?" Dominique teased.

"I care about you following the plan"

" Trust me if there's one thing I'm good at, it's acting"

"Let's just go over what you have to say to her in detail."

Dominique smirked. " Fine. I walk up to Olivia and tell her that Mrs Edwards wants to see her on the top floor in classroom 16B and it's urgent"

"Good and make sure you don't smile when you're telling her this so she doesn't seem suspicious."

" I promise I won't flash her a smile and steal her heart before you do" he says, making me elbow him.

"Owww!! This is what I get for being friends with an Ostrich like you!"he says, dramatically.

I'm about to answer but I catch Olivia's figure strolling across the field with a friend of hers.

" Dominique it's time and please don't ruin it."

" Trust me!" Dominique says, smirking.

Then he struts off towards Olivia and this is my cue to leave the courtyard and walk up the staircase to classroom 16B.

I enter the empty classroom walking further into it and I take a seat on the last row by the window. The sun's rays shines warmly in the classroom but nothing can melt my tense heart.

Clasping my hands tightly together I try not to overthink what's about to happen.

What if she says no?
What if she has a boyfriend?
What if she's engaged to marry the Prince of Egypt??!!
What if she thinks I'm a crazy stalker?
What if—

The door to the classroom creaks open. Olivia pops her head in—

"Hello?" she says softly.

She  gets in and scrunches her face when she takes in the empty classroom but then her eyes land on me.

" Leonardo?"

"Where's Mrs Edwards?" she says, eyebrows raised.

" What? She called you too." I say,with fake surprise.

"Yeah…Dominique told me that she's calling me and that it's urgent" Olivia answers.

"She told me the same thing and said I should wait here for the staff meeting to be over"

"What?! That's a whole hour" Olivia complains, pouting.

"Guess we have to wait " I say, nonchalantly.

She sighs, nodding her head in agreement. Then she takes a seat on one of the wooden desks,her back facing me. I watch her swing her legs back and forth and faintly hear her  humming.

We're finally alone together and I don't know how to ask her to take this journey of falling in love. I don't want to seem like a creep. I just —

"Olivia!" I blurt out, a little too loudly.

She turns her head and raises her brow in question.

I clear my throat. " Since we're here why don't we talk?..."

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