Chapter 34: A List and Driving

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❄️Dedicated to @missKIA29

Here's your one more.


26 November 2023🥀

“Eggs, toilet paper and ice-cream. Don't forget the  cornflakes!” Mkhulu yells  the last part louder than he needs to.

I'm seated right next to him on the couch but he talks like he's giving a speech.

It's a normal Saturday morning  in the ‘July family and Mkhulu wants me to go grocery shopping but the catch is I have to do it all on my own.

Apparently this will make me more of a man and help me step into adulthood with ease.

A man who can shop is a man who can save his life in the kitchen.

Those are Mkhulu's words, not mine. He hates the saying too but it's been hard finding a catchy saying  with men and kitchen in the same sentence.

“—And buy the correct spices. Not just any spice. Don't just grab without looking. Use the eyes God gave you.”

I chuckle.“ Should I add that to the list as well.”

Mkhulu grunts.

And just to be silly I add that to the grocery list I'm writing.

Ultra mel custard as well. You can't call it December without custard.”

I write that down as well.

Mkhulu stays quiet, thinking  about what else to add so far we have forty eight things on the list. I don't know what else we need since we're a family of two. It doesn't make sense.

“Mkhulu I think that's enough. I know we eat a lot but not this much.”

“Let me think,” he cuts me off, scratching his beard.

After five good seconds. “ Ok. I think that's it. Now read it out to me and for everything you missed I'll take one spoon off your supper.”

The laughter bubbles out of me.

“Wait Mkhulu. How will I carry all this?”

“The strength of your arms, of course! Back in my day—”

“Mkhulu don't lie. No matter how strong you are, you can't carry forty eight items of groceries on your own.”

He laughs, his eyes crinkling. “ At least I can finally see the results of me taking you to school.” He  teases.

His laugh simmers down into a smile. His dark eyes shine with a secret gleam  along with another emotion.

“You're at the edge of adulthood. You're becoming a man. A good one.It's been an honour to see you grow.”

His words stir something in my heart.

“Is this goodbye?” I joke.

“No, it's not Leo.” he chuckles , “ I'll be with you for a very long time."

Mkhulu sighs.

“As a parent you watch your kids take their first breath, then they're first steps and their first words. Then later on you give them the  keys and they'll take their first drive…”

Mkhulu let's his words hang in the air.

Before the smile on my face can get any wider— “ Mkhulu, did you actually get me a car!”

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