Chapter 33: Dream girl and a Sleepy Dominique

45 16 8

25 November 2023🥀

"We both still like each other and whatever's happening. I think we shouldn't forget that fact because it's very important."

Those are the first words I share with Olivia when I catch up to her on her way to school.

She holds the straps of her purple bag, quiet but I can tell from the look in her eyes that she's taking in my words.

"Is that question 25?" She asks, her gaze meeting mine for the first time this morning.

Unlike yesterday night, her brown eyes are clear and unguarded.

They're vulnerable just like I always want her to be when she's with me.

"It's more of a statement than a question-Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."

Olivia nods.

She stays quiet as we walk alongside each other, silently beckoning me to finish my statements.

"You have to agree before we go along to the next statement. To clarify that it's true."

"Yes." It's barely above a whisper.

"Yes what?" I tease, an easy smile growing on my face. " Yes, pigs can fly. Yes you want to be the president of South Africa."

She laughs, her cheeks burning with a blush when she calms down. "We both still like each other."

My heart drinks her words in like it's the very first time and the warmth that cocoons it leaves me blushing as well.

"We both wish we didn't have to go to school and write an exam. Instead it'd be nice if we could spend the day alone with each other."

"Same." Olivia agrees, smiling.

"Mmm," I rack my brain for another statement we both can fully agree on, then it hits me.

"We both want to let yesterday stay behind us..."

My statement hangs in the air, tense.

In a flash yesterday's fight comes back.

Can I even call it a fight or just an entanglement of deep confusion because it felt like we were both talking about two different things.

Her words, how she said my name and the distance in her eyes. The distance...

What happened yesterday?

I still have a million questions but something tells me that Olivia's not going to tell me what exactly was going on.

Olivia's eyes meet mine, and she stops walking. Her face and smile is an expression of pure relief.

She pulls me into a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck and I pull her close. " Yes," she breathes into my ears as I tighten my hold on her.

"I'm sorry." She says holding me just as tight.

"It's okay. It's behind us now."

"We both..."she hesitates.

I tighten my hold on her, beckoning her to open up.

"We both couldn't sleep last night because of how bad the night ended between us." Olivia's statement shocks me.

"You too?" I pull away to see her face.

"The moment I finally felt myself falling asleep, the alarm went off."

I laugh.

"Me too."

She laughs, pulling me in for the hug again.

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