Chapter 46: The End and The Beginning

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Back in time — Dominique's POV


30 June 2023🥀

"This is the end Dominique,"she whispered from the other side of the door. And her voice that  had always been soft felt different. There was a tenderness almost breaking to how she spoke.

I laughed, running my hands through the curls of my hair although I found nothing funny about the situation.

There's always this excitement like adrenaline coursing through the veins of every scientist when they experiment something. It's new and thrilling with a million theories and possibilities and then there's the discovery...

The discovery that's sometimes disappointing, spiraling  into a deep depression or it's sometimes everything  hoped for, bursting with a satisfying high.

I was conflicted.

I was frustrated with the end of this experiment.

"I want to know what you look like." I confessed what I had told her a number of times and like each time she'd answer with  her silence.

All I had been given through the months was the sound of her soft voice, her quiet laughter that was barely audible and those sweets exhales she'd sometimes take.

I felt like a maniac.

I felt insane with a side of  ‘he needs help.’

Why did I  agree to do this again?

February 2023🥀

It all started in the month of love or as some call it, February. I was feeling particularly ticked off by all the fuss everyone was making about who their valentine would be.

Who cares?

I was also being the best friend I could and pretended to be oblivious to Leonardo's clear infatuation of the quiet girl. It was terribly obvious and he denied it everytime.

I caught him full blown gawking at her one time while I was telling him about this weird dream I had during lunch. I snapped my fingers in his face, gaining his attention.


“You tell me. What are you looking at? Is there something going on behind me?”

I turned around, pretending to look all over the place while avoiding Olivia and that girl she was always with, seated a few tables behind us.

“It's nothing.” Leonardo forced me to turn back to him, flustered.

I laughed at him, not with him.

“Are you sure?”

“I'm crystal clear.” He grunted out.

14 February 2023🥀

It was early morning in school, the sun was still warm and the teachers were already in a bad mood. All except Mr Milano. My absolute favourite teacher.

Some say I'm biased because he teaches me Afrikaans and Life Sciences, two of my favourite subjects.

Some say I'm insane because of the amount of work he gives but there's something about a teacher that makes your fingers cramp that gets my heart racing.


Mr Milano walked into class that morning with a particular skip to his step. The smile wasn't just on his face but it was in his eyes.

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