Chapter 54: Everything and Saving Whales

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The rain slowly but surely, pelted down slower and softer, giving space to breathe, blink and see.

A few minutes after the rain had stopped, I  was sure that every part of me was soaked, even my internal organs.

Thandiwe slipped her hand out of my grasp and there was no excuse for me to take it back.

“I guess we won't be needing this anymore.” I gestured to the umbrella I was holding up.

Thandiwe smiled as I closed up the umbrella, packing it away and putting it in my wet bag. The long road we were walking on was coming to an end; we would go our separate ways.

Thandiwe kept looking back at me, as if waiting for something.

“What were you doing at school this late?”

“Talking with a few guys.”

She nodded, but her eyes lingered as if waiting for me to say more.

“What were you doing, sitting by the pavement?”

She let my question hang and then she spoke. “Thinking. I was thinking.”


Her gaze flicked to mine, as if she would have never had thought I'd ask such a question. In the silence, as her eyes held mine I grasped the answer.


I decided not to think much of it. I thought about pumpkin and potatoes sometimes but it didn't mean I had feelings for them.

We were at the end of the pavement.

“I'll see you when I see you, Thandiwe.” I said, saluting her and turning to go on my way.

The quicker the goodbye the better.

“Wait!” Thandiwe softly called out.

I turned, shocked and a little excited. “Yes.”


She didn't say anything, her eyes held mine speaking in the silence. “ What you said the other day…is it true?”

“Who else calls you Bubby?”

“...” A slow but sure smile adorned her face, reaching her brown eyes. It was at that moment that the sun broke forth from the clouds ready to set, as it glistened on the wet roads.

“No one…but you.”

I smiled and it was like every wall she tried to build crumbled before my eyes. The rain washed away whatever obscured me from her vision. Because  as she stared up at me ,it's like she could see clearly who I was.

Not some random stranger.
But a companion. A friend. A confidant. Someone in whom she confided her secrets, thoughts and feelings and someone who had done the same from the otherside of a door.

“I never thought I'd  actually see you.” She spoke, softly her gaze gentle.

“Me too.”

“It's…. weird.” She laughed, quietly and beautifully.

“Definitely different.”

She nodded, still smiling.

“Your voice finally has a face. I was beginning to think you were the door to that classroom and I wasn't talking to anyone.”

She laughed again.

“ I'm sorry for the way I reacted  at first.I was just caught of guard and I didn't expect—”

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