Chapter 43: On Your Side and a Note

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30th November 2023🥀

"Leonardo it's 2am? What are you still awake?"

Mkhulu rubs his dark eyes that  are still   dazed with sleep. He stands in the middle of the dark  dining room, blocking the television I'm trying to watch as he stares at me.

The light that emanates from the television is glaringly painful to my tired eyes but it's better than my thoughts.

"I couldn't sleep."

He sighs. "So you decided  to waste electricity. The T.V can't be on for this long."

"I'm sorry. I'll switch it off." I get off the couch, reaching for the remote.

"—But since you are awake. We didn't get to finish that movie Horse Dude. Why not finish it?" Mkhulu snatches the remote, taking a seat on the couch.

A smile tugs at my lips as I settle next to him. "I wish Dominique was here to see you suggest that movie."

Mkhulu scoffs. 

He starts the movie from where we left off. It's the scene where he keeps neighing like a horse in front of the girl he likes. The girl stares at him with this look on her face that clearly states he'll never get a chance with her.

Mkhulu laughs at the scene. He turns to  me as if to check that I'm watching the same thing. The guy's life is completely ruined and his horse powers are humorous as well as a danger to those around him.

"What's wrong with you? Are you laughing in your brain?" Mkhulu questions, noticing that he's the only one laughing.

"No. I'm laughing, it's just more quiet and my lips are shut..."

He eyes me with that, 'don't play  me boy' look.

I don't say another word neither does he. We turn our attention back to the television.

Horse Dude is crying on a hilltop as it rains while he eats the grass."If only I hadn't been bitten by that horse!"

"I think that violence is the answer." I tell Mkhulu.

He turns his gaze from the TV for a second."Violence is what got him in this place. If he kicks another person with those strong horse legs of his again. I think that the next person will kill him. I mean —"

"I'm not talking about the movie Mkhulu."

Mkhulu is taken  aback. "Oh."

"I want to…”I pause thinking over my next words but there's no nice way to say this. “—hurt someone with my bare hands."

Mkhulu's eyes widen his nose flaring. "Look, just because Olivia doesn't want to be with you anymore doesn't mean she deserves a beating."


Mkhulu takes in my confusion, slowly.

"Mkhulu, I'm not talking about Olivia. And please if I ever talk about beating a girl up, lock me in a cage and give me nothing to eat but slimy oats." I pull a disgusted look on my face.

Mkhulu chuckles."Who's this person that you want to hurt?"

The flare in his eyes is replaced by an eagerness. "Wyatt.  I'm not even sure what he's done but I know that the results have brought Olivia to tears and pushed her further away than I thought she could be."

"So violence will get Olivia back." He says it with clear sarcasm.

" maybe."

All I know is that since  Timmy gave me a side of the truth I've been searching for I had this flaring feeling rise up in my chest. It's relentless and it wants a release that involves Wyatt in  extreme pain.

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