Chapter 5 : Tissue Box and a Chocolate Bar

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2nd of November 2023 🥀

" Here's a box of tissues," Dominique says, shoving the box into my hands.

"Oh!" he exclaims, pulling out a chocolate bar from his navy blue blazer. "And this chocolate that says P.s. I love you - even though Olivia doesn't"

"Thank you for believing in me Dominique," I deadpanned.

"Oh come on , let's be realistic for a moment. You haven't interacted with this girl for the whole year besides the time you gave her water and that other time. You think she'll just show up to the classroom and answer personal questions about herself to trick her brain into falling in love with you"

"When you put it that makes it seem like she's not gonna come "

"She probably thinks you're lying and that instead of talking you guys will be making out" he says, then he turns his back to me wrapping his arms around himself and starts making smooching sounds.

"Gosh! I hope she doesn't think that. I seem like some pervert " I look away horrified.

"A stalking pervert, " Dominique mutters when he turns around with a smirk on his face, earning a punch from me.

The bell rings loudly.

Students of Vistelia high all start leaving the field to get into their examination rooms.

"Good luck!" Dominique cheers, a broad smile on his face.

"Luck is for people who didn't study. So good luck to you" I said, entering the classroom with very serious faced grade 12's.

I sat in the 2nd row.
The moment the examiner entered the room the tension became thicker. It was a Business Studies exam so I understood why people were on edge but freaking out wouldn't pull out the answers.

So I calmed my mind and thought of nothing in the moments when the examiner lectured us about the rules. Her black heels clicked on the classroom floor with such authority and impact it made for a chilling sound besides the loud anxiety screaming through the silence.

"You may begin" The examiner said, settling into the front desk but watching all of us like a hawk.


I sat on the second row in classroom 16B tapping my foot on the ground. My eyes flickered to the white board and the clock that ticked slowly yet oh so quickly.

10 minutes passed...

and still no sign of Olivia. I did see her in the morning sitting by the bleachers.She held her textbook in her hand while eating a cupcake with the other. She talked jovially with her friend -laughing loudly about whatever her friend was saying.

I stood at the far end of the field as usual with my soccer teammates laughing about the latest memes and keeping my eyes on her -hoping that she would look up into the distance and see me.

And she did.

She lifted her gaze and her coffee brown eyes caught mine. I could see the frosting on the corner of her lips. She held my gaze for a second too short and then she looked away.

Dominique noticed that and that's when he pulled me away from the group telling me he had a present for me. Something that would help me with my Olivia problem.

He pulled out a Twinsaver tissue box and shoved it into my hands.

The same tissue box that is currently laid on the table in front of me. If this tissue box could talk it would probably say a lot of vile things.

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