Chapter 37: Eavesdropping and True Love

36 15 4

Sunday, 27 November 2023🥀

" I hate to admit it but I can't wait to see you too," Mkhulu rasps out, a tender tone to his voice.

I'm right outside Mkhulu's door, formally dressed for church. I was about to knock and  tell him  I'm ready  but I hesitated when I heard him speaking.

Is there somebody in the room with him?

Who could Mkhulu not wait to see?

"How long has it been?" Mkhulu continues to speak, a lightness in his deep voice.

I strain my ears as best as I can to hear the other person's reply but it seems that Mkhulu is actually talking on the phone.

I know that I should leave, that eavesdropping isn't exactly a good thing but with the way Mkhulu is speaking to this unknown person, something within my numb heart stirs...

"Nine years!" Mkhulu laughs, a jovial sound echoing even outside of his room.

My brows furrow and I wait to hear him say the name of this person but he doesn't mention it.

"I missed you too. How different do you look now?"

This stirring within me continues as I hear Mkhulu talk to whoever he is talking about.

I grunt, turning away and making my way down the hallway but before I'm even five steps away, I hear Mkhulu say something else.

"No. I don't want Leonardo to know about this..."


I'm silently brooding, seated in the passenger seat of the car with the windows rolled down.

The warm morning sun shines its light partly on my face. I patiently wait for Mkhulu, trying my best not to think about the conversation I just heard.

But the more I try the more I fail.

Mkhulu finally steps out of the house, dressed formally for church.The sun illuminates the small smile adorned on his grey bearded face and it almost makes my heart combust.

On his right hand he holds his black cane, it clangs on the cement ground as he makes his way towards me.

What catches my attention is the grey suitcase that he holds on his left hand, it's pulled out of its handle and he rolls it along with him.

"Open up the boot, Leonardo."

I do as I'm told and he goes round the car , opening the boot and putting the grey suitcase in.

He steps into the driver's seat moments later.

"You were fast this morning, Leo. Normally you'd have to be yelled at loud enough for you to get ready on time."

My face stays stoic under his gaze and I simply nod in reply.

Mkhulu's dark eyes meet mine for a moment but I look away.

He sighs,not in the mood for one of my moods.

Well neither am I, but this feeling in my chest cannot be ignored.

He starts the car, playing a gospel song and it echoes into my ears as he drives. Mkhulu doesn't say much, he doesn't prod me or nudge me and it irks me.

He hums along to the music, driving at a good pace and tapping the steering wheel from time to time. Compared to me he seems to be in a state of paradise.

It's irritating when you're giving someone the silent treatment and they don't care at all. Or worse they don't even notice.

The tree's and houses that pass by in a blur offer no relief; neither does the wind rippling through the window.

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