Chapter 55: Embarrassing and Quiet Confidence

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Leonardo's POV
Back to the present


1st December 2023🥀

“Leonardo, are you awake?” Dominique says  over the phone

It's three am. The shadows play tricks on me in my room, the air thick with thoughts.

One of the overwhelming ones were about Lisa.

She actually kissed me. Eventhough I didn't know it at the moment, I actually gave her the go ahead.

It was like a rock was in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't get that look she gave me, out of my mind. When I told her that I was in love with someone else;her hazel eyes shattered like I broke the hope within her.

Then Olivia, who happened to be seen it  and who decided to call herself no one.

Although I couldn’t sleep, my eyes were heavy laid.I tried everything, including the counting sheep method but none of it worked. I could only think.

I was this close to leaving the room and watching TV but my phone lit up moments later with a call from Dominique.

“Yes, how else would I have picked up the phone?”

“I don't know. You tell me.”

“Why are you awake at this time Dominique?”

There's silence. “ You're gonna think I'm crazy but—”

“I already do.”

He chuckles softly.“I'm planning a Pen's down party in the next two days.”

This is unexpected.

“Woah, ok why?”

“ I've been up all night man and I realise  I've never planned a party of my own. I also realise that highschool is gonna be  over  next week. I think I'm gonna miss everyone's ugly faces but  I also feel like I won't miss them.I think I just need a good goodbye so that my heart can be satisfied.”

“...I don't know what to say. Congratulations.”

“You're coming to my party.” he states, leaving no room for argument.

“Will there be food?”

“They don't call me Dominique for nothing?”

I laugh, “ That doesn't make sense.”

“It does in my dictionary.”

“Will there be Olivia?”

He laughs, “ I'll kidnap her if I have to.”

I'm smiling. “The funny thing is that I know that you would but don't. I'm still trying to get back into her good books. I don't think my best friend kidnapping her to go to a pens down party will do anything for me.”

“I'm not just your friend Mr cool guy. Olivia's my second soul brother—well soul sister but she and I totally talk about you behind your back so we're practically family.”

I'm laughing again. “What's this I hear about gossiping?”

“She used to go on and on about how much she thought that you were a great guy but lately the conversations have switched. Now it's all about ‘how can  I bury his body without anyone finding out?”

“Ok Dominique, jokes aside. What are you and Olivia talking about without me?”

He sighs.

“She's mad at you.”

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