Chapter 19 : Fun Facts and Shameful Anger

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13th of November 2023🥀

"You can't stay in there forever you know," Dominique says,over the phone laid on the bed, put on speaker.

I roll my tired eyes, catching my dimpled smile through the mirror as I fix my dark blue tie and for some reason it's a struggle this morning.

Just like leaving my room will be a struggle.

"Dom Dom you just keep getting smarter and smarter. All this time I thought I could create a new world in my vandalized room."

He chuckles.

" Hey! You're the one who trashed your room and you know the famous saying: Another man's trash is the same man's trash and he must pick it up and stop littering."

This makes me laugh.

I knew that calling Dominique before I faced whatever I had to face out there was what I needed. He could laugh with me about all the things I wanted to cry about, making the solutions come out from silly jokes.

"Dom Dom, you wanna know a fun fact?"

"How fun is it? I'm expecting it to be fun, okay!" I hear him sigh deeply.

"I'm tired of people who say they have a fun fact and tell me some rubbish about how a frog pees six times a day!That is not fun okay! It's not fun!" he continues his rant, and I let him air it out, entirely amused.

It goes on longer than I expect it too because after his rant he starts fake crying over the phone. It gives me time to finally fix this stupid tie.I pull on the navy blue blazer next, settling onto my bed and picking my phone up.

"Are you done?" I ask him, smiling.

He fake sniffles. " Yeah I'm done. Now tell me this fun fact. It just might cheer me up from all the trauma I've lived through in my life when adults told me they had a fun fact."

"Dominique it's not a fun fact okay!"

Laughter touches my words," It's just a fact."

He sighs into the phone.

"This. This is why we're best friends- and the answer is yes. I will walk you down the aisle."

We laugh.

"So what's the fact?"

"I haven't slept a wink. "

"Are you exaggerating or like are you for real, for real?"

"Serious man. Mkhulu told me to clean my room and that's what I did. I couldn't sleep so I decided to clean."

My eyes go over the room that looks as Mkhulu asked it to be-spotless. There's broken pieces of the lamp and a few things I broke that couldn't be fixed in the bin and it makes me feel some type of way.

A new kind of shame.

"The small beginnings of a housewife," Dominique jokes.

"Shut up."

"But you did study, right ? We're doing Geography and that subject doesn't play games."

"I did. I just hope I don't fall asleep before I even write my name."

"You'll be fine. Dude, I gotta go, my mom's doing a room inspection and my room is not exactly in a good condition."

I laugh.

"You have no right to laugh. Mr. I trash my room for fun. Only rich kids do that.Tell me did you win the lottery or something?"

"Just drop the phone you little maniac."

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