Chapter 14 :Detention and Ice Cream

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9th of November 2023🥀

" You're late!" Mrs Edwards scolded.

She stood at her desk,her huge lazer sharp eyes glaring at me through her glasses. She wore those long, dull floral dresses that were a mix between I'm in summer but I'm also in winter. She dressed like those women who claimed to be one with nature.

I was too stunned to speak,until I registered Olivia at the back of the class with three piles of papers. Amusement danced in her eyes and she held back a laugh watching my reaction.

"Late for?"

"Ugh! Just get to work. I asked for help, not an interrogation. I'll be back with more of the papers you need to file."

She walked past me, her dress blowing a breeze and she shut the door to classroom 16B with such force I'm surprised the ground didn't shake.

I share a look with Olivia who finally releases her laughter.

"Care to explain?"

I make my way towards her, taking a seat on the desk beside hers.

"Well, Mr Leonardo July It might shock you to know this but the fact is classrooms were created specifically for teaching purposes and not for romantical conquests" she says all this in a funny accent.

"Really?!" I gasp, faking bafflement,

"All this time I thought classrooms were the factory of love. I mean it is where I met you."

She laughs.

"So what are we supposed to do with all these papers?"

" She wants us to mark this pile" she says, laying her hand on the first pile.

"And to record the marks on this pile," she continues, patting the second pile with a thud.

"The last pile should be filed into the files she's about to fetch right now."

"So basically we're never leaving this classroom until the end of time."


We laugh.

She hands me the memo, a red pen and half of the papers from the first pile. We begin working silently, sharing our thoughts here and there but it's mostly quiet.

Even in this monotonous silence my heart burns within me from the proximity we're in and just how an ordinary task isn't that boring when she's here.

"Woah, I thought this was a myth!" she suddenly says, staring wide eyed at a paper.


"Take a look. This girl -she didn't fill in anything except her name and in front she wrote 'Sorry mam- I didn't study' "

Laughter bubbles out of me and it rumbles into something more when I see the crying emoji the girl drew next to the note.

"Leo! No! Don't laugh at this! This is terrible!"

It only makes me laugh harder.

"Come on. Don't you think it's a little bit funny? "

"I don't. It's sad and painful and she got zero."

"She's in grade 8. She'll bounce back. It's a little bit funny- admit it "

It's quiet for a moment.

"Just a teensy weensy bit funny but that's it."

And then she laughs.

The door to the classroom is pulled open and two boys stumble in, worry etched on their brows. Immediately, they get on their knees, they rush out apologies and excuses.

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