Chapter 10: Mashed Potatoes and Perfect Days

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"You want to leave me too" I mutter, my eyes welling up with tears.

I feel his hand on my shoulder,but the burning in my heart won't let me relent.

Am I not ever worth staying for?

The question burns in my soul as the memory of the day she left flashes before my eyes.

" I'll smack you with this cane. Look who you're talking to!" he admonished.

" And once again. You didn't let me finish. I still don't understand how you're a star student at Vistelia high but you don't have the basic skill of -listening"

This makes me snicker.

" I pray to God to reunite us but it's at that moment I realize that my life is not for nothing and that someone needs me."

He puts the picture frame on the bed.

"Someone I made a vow to.That if no one loves him I'll be the one too and that I'll always be here for him. Isn't that what we were called to do? To show the love of God on earth?"

The tears slip past my eyes and I keep my eyes trained on my lap.

" Leonardo. We've got a long life together -you and I. And it's long and sometimes painful but we have the Lord with us and that's what makes all the difference " he grasps my shoulders so I can look at him.

"Now, wipe those tears before I give you a real reason to cry" he teases, making me laugh.

" You should be a therapist, " I joke.

" I know the world would be a better place. I straighten people up with the smack of my cane"

"You'd be in jail after your first session "

"Probably "

We laugh.

Heartily and light. The flames in our chests doused.

When the laughter dies down, we smile at each other.

"This is too much emotion for oneday. We must have been infected by one of the moods from all those women at church "

I laugh, shaking my head at his words.

" After today, we need to binge watch soccer and please for all that is good don't choose a Rom Com for movie night"

I'm about to answer but instead a loud deep growling sound speaks for itself.

Mkhulu pauses, then looks at my stomach. " This, coming from the person who wanted to skip Sunday lunch for some girl"

" It's not some girl and you do know she's one of the guests I invited. The guests who have been patiently waiting for you so they could eat."

Mkhulu narrows his eyes at me, and begins his scolding.

"There are people in the house and you didn't! "- a louder growl-like sound comes from my Grandfather's stomach and it leaves me cackling.

He flushes from the embarrassment, standing up abruptly. " Out of my room. The next time you come into this room like some knight- it'll be you who'll be the damsel in distress" he says, while we walk out the door.

We're in the hallway now, his cane clanking a little louder than necessary and I know it's to intimidate the guests.

Let's just hope Olivia isn't scared of old tall men with black canes and grim humour.

" It surprises me how many threats you give me in one day" I continue, eyeing him up.

He smiles. " What surprises me is no matter what I do. I can't get you to shut up. I don't care what those motivational speakers say-somethings are impossible"

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