Chapter 31: A Dying Ostrich and Gargling

43 16 7

24 November 2023🥀

“I need you to do me a favour.” I ask Mkhulu the moment I step into the kitchen, fixing my school tie.

He's drinking a cup of coffee, nibbling on his favourite eet- some more biscuits.He looks up at me, brows raised.

“Have you never heard of the words Good morning and since when do grandparents do their kids any favours?”

“Good morning Mkhulu. I'm sorry I'm just so excited,” I literally can feel how much I'm smiling.

I settle onto the stool of the kitchen counter while Mkhulu holds my gaze.

“In my time we didn't even ask our grandparents for sweets —” Mkhulu continues his rant about how things were better back in the day and as much as I would love to hear this, I cut him off.

“—I just need to know if you'll be doing it for me Mkhulu.Yes or no and before you answer you should know that it's a big deal to me. It's very very very important to me—”

“You're such a Drama King.  Have breakfast and go to school.”

“I'll go on hunger strike until you say yes to doing me my favour.”

“Great, you'll be saving more food.”

I can't help but laugh as Mkhulu’s eyes dance with amusement.

Despite his words, Mkhulu gets up and pulls out a bowl from the kitchen cabinet and milk from the fridge. He pours the cereal into the bowl and wordlessly passes all of it to me.

“Is it anything illegal?”


“Anything that will disturb you from your exams?”


“Then I'm ready to listen. Eat up.” He sits back on the stool, drinking his coffee,his dark eyes trained on me.

“Ok. So it's about pushing someone to chase their dreams.”

“Pushing someone? Why does anyone need to be pushed to chase their dreams? If they want it they'll go after it. They don't need any pushing.”

“Mkhulu, can I please finish talking before you judge.”

“I'm not judging, I'm stating. If you want something you don't need anyone pushing you to get it , you just go after it. This is what's wrong with this generation. You need a motivational speech for everything.” Mkhulu gestures dramatically  with his hands,  at the last word.

“You need a motivational speech for a simple thing like studying. Pretty soon you'll need a motivational speech about going to the toilet.”

“There's nothing wrong with needing  help, Mkhulu.”

“Fine but whoever this person you're talking about is , they're going to get a long speech from me.”

The thought makes me laugh as the image of Mkhulu lecturing Olivia settles in my mind leaving a warm feeling.

There's just something beautiful about how easy it's been for her to slowly become a part of my life. It's like there was always an open space for her in my heart, in my home and in my life…

waiting for her.

“ We're gonna need your car, your parental guidance, your voice  and your money.”

Mkhulu's eyes widen at the mention of money.

“Don't worry Mkhulu. Just a little bit of money. I would have used my own but unfortunately I'm broke.”

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