Chapter 9: Kicking doors and Laughter

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"How can something be so delicious! So tender! So-I don't even have the words"

Dominique "tastes" more of the roasted chicken licking every part of his hands.

"Dominique!" Olivia scolds, " that's enough. How many pieces of chicken do you have to keep tasting?"

"Please one more Olivia " he begs, pouting.

"Fine but you're not getting any meat for lunch since you've already eaten it all!"

He gasps.

"Leo tell her what she's doing is unfair. I'm the one who invited you young lady "

This makes me laugh. The two of them bicker back and forth but what puts my heart at ease is the fact that we're done.

The lunch is ready but Mkhulu hasn't come out of his room.

" Olivia, dish the food. I'll go call my grandfather"

She nods, giving me a smile while swatting Dominique's hand away from taking more meat.

" You're like a 5 year old" I hear her scold.

I walk further into the hallway until I reach Mkhulu's door. My knuckles stop a breath away from the door before my knocking can make a sound.

I take a deep breath.

Then knock, softly.

No reply comes.

I knock again, a little louder .

No reply comes. My chest tightens.

"Mkhulu! It's Leo" I call out, a desperation in my voice.

Yet, still nothing.

With a taut jaw and a heavy heart I kick the door forcefully with my best foot and to my surprise the door wasn't locked at all.

Wow- I feel like a fool.

My face flushes with embarrassment, my dimples prominent.

I find Mkhulu sitting up by the edge of his bed, with a picture frame in his hands. He lifts his dark eyes to meet mine.

" Kick my door like that again and you'll not have a foot to kick with ever again" he deadpans.

The laugh dies in my throat from the empty look in his eyes.

He looks back down at the picture frame, ignoring my embarrassed existence.

I've been told that the eyes are a window to the soul. And moments like these my grandfather's eye's are empty-a deep longing speaking through the depth of the void.

A yearning for her...

I close the door gently behind me, subconsciously asking for forgiveness-I thought you were locked!

I walk towards Mkhulu, making even my steps cautious. The bed compresses a little as I sit next to him.

My eyes land on the picture...


" Why'd you enter my room like I was some Damsel in Distress that needed saving," he says flatly, his dull eyes stare at the picture.

"I'm sorry...I thought it was locked and I thought that maybe you needed me"

"-Well I don't" he snaps.

Pushing off the hurt, I continue, " You're right. You need food. We didn't get to eat breakfast because we would be late for church and I don't know about you but my stomach has been growling .Like a swallowed a live bear or something"

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