Chapter 49 :Mr Milano and Night Air

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22 November 2023🥀

"-Shhh.You're laughing too loudly Dominique. I don't want your mother to find out about this."

This only made me laugh louder, almost choking on the doughnut in my mouth. My father pressed his hands to my lips. His green eyes were terrified, as he looked around him in my dark room as if expecting my mother to appear in the darkness.

I could only describe what was happening in two words.

Diet Consequences.

You see, a few days ago, my mother bought clothes but all the clothes she bought didn't fit her. They were tight in all the wrong places and let's just say that the day was filled with alot tears and frustration. My mother cried too.

The next morning while eating breakfast my mother asked my father a question that apparently all husbands should be aware of.

"Honey, how do I look?"

My father cleared his throat, pausing mid sip and his green eyes met mine for a second.

"You look fine honey."

Her nose flared, she stared up at my father with this death glare that almost made him shrink.

He looked at me. I pretended not to see.

"I don't want to look fine. I want to look beautiful."

"And you are!" He quickly added

"No you said I look fine. Fine and beautiful are two different things."

"Fine can be nice, right Dominique."

"-Don't add our son into this." My mother cut me off before I could say anything.

"I didn't mean fine like fine, honey. I meant fine like fiiiiiiiiinnne." He pulled a smirk.

I laughed at him, not with him.

"It's final,"my mother said, smacking her hand on the table like a judge. "This family is going on a diet."

And that's why when my father saw me coming home with three boxes of doughnuts he followed me up to my room, pretending like he had a problem with me.

"We'll eat the doughnuts later tonight." He said, when he stepped into my room.

"We?" I reiterated.

Annoyance flashed in his eyes. "Who's the father, me or you?"

"Who's the owner of the doughnuts, me or you?"

He sucked his teeth, the desperation in his green eyes made me snort. He looked like a man depraved.

"Tonight." He simply said and he left my room.

So my father and I gobbled up the doughnuts in the middle of the night in my room. And we talked about anything and everything, cracking jokes here and there.

"So the end of Highschool, how are you feeling?"

"Everyone keeps asking that question Dad and honestly the truth is. I don't know what I'm feeling."

"Come on, you must be feeling something.''He prodded, poking my cheek.

"Fine. I'm feeling nothing and everything."

My father scoffed, throwing a doughnut in my face. "Just say you're depressed. At least that's a straight answer."

I laughed. "I don't know Dad. I don't know."

"That's fine...but are you happy? You know, with how everything seems to be ending."

A pause ensued.

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