Chapter 21: Women Hater and Misandry

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15th of  November 2023🥀

" —because you'll soon find out that in life you'll be picking the bones but not finding even a piece of meat."

I'm staring at the white  ceiling, still in my pajamas in a call with Dominique and like the story of our friendship I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Dom Dom what on earth are you even talking about?"

"Oh! So you decide to call me early in the morning even though I'm not writing exams and then you don't even understand what I'm saying to you," he says all this in mock anger.

"Do you understand what you're saying?"

He sighs.

I laugh.

"That answers my question. Thank you very much."

"So I'm guessing you're not staying home all day even though you're not writing."

"Not when she's here. Especially after yesterday. I can't believe she actually slapped me, Dominique."

"What about your Grandfather? What did he do about this whole situation? Knowing him he probably didn't take it well."

I scoff, not wanting to relive the memories. Although the sting of her slap has faded on my cheek; it's left a permanent sting in the innermost parts of me.

The crazy thing is that it hasn't even been a week since she's arrived. How will I survive months of this?

"Mkhulu…." a lump grows in my throat, thinking about the look in his eyes when he registered that my mother actually slapped me.

His piercing dark eyes looked like they had lost a battle. Like there was no way in which he could win because he would lose either way.

His daughter and his grandson were on opposing sides and all he wanted was peace.

"Mkhulu didn't take it well, Dom Dom. He…umm he yelled at her and stuff but—"

"She's still his daughter," Dominique finishes, solemnly.

"Right." I breathe.

The line goes quiet.

It's not the type of silence between lovers who are both blushing at the other end of the lines but it's the type of silence shared between two friends who feel helpless at the mercy of life.

It's the 'what now?' silence.

The 'if there was anything I could do…' silence.

It's the 'I'll be praying for you and I don't even have to tell you because pretty soon you'll see God working it out' silence.

"...Okay Dominique I know my breathing is your favourite sound but I've got to go."

He chuckles.

"Until next time sweet sweet Juliet."

And we both drop the phone.


The floors of the hallway are cold against my bare feet as I make my way towards the kitchen  still in my pajamas and once again I hear them murmuring.

It's like second nature to me now, keeping myself hidden by the white wall so they can say all that they'll never say with me around.

It's hard this time because they talk a little lighter, as if to be more careful than yesterday and I strain my ears to hear.

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