Chapter 64: Bushes and Celebrations

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01: 53🥀

We have been talking for a while. It's only when my eyes stray away from hers that I realize I've lost track of time. It jolts my heart, I'm reminded of Mkhulu waiting for me in the car!

With a heavy heart, I explain all this to Olivia. She practically shrieks, freaking out that Mkhulu has been waiting for me this whole time and we have been sitting here like we have all the time in the world.

“What will your grandfather think of me?He must think I have no respect.” Olivia stresses, “You should leave.”

Even as she says her last words, I see the turmoil, the discomfort that comes from both of us parting. It's a small goodbye because we will see eachother tomorrow but it's a goodbye all the same.

I know I should leave but I don't want to. I want to make up for all the time we lost, all that we wasted, all  that was taken away.

Reluctantly, I stand up, now fully dry from the rain. Olivia stands  up too.

We pause, eyes meeting, already missing each other. Olivia throws her arms around me, pulling me into a soul relishing, bone crushing hug. I hold her, tightening my hold and breathing her in. Somehow we both melt into each other's arms while holding the other up. My heart is alive, beating and warm. This is what content feels like.

Olivia cries,  a sob escaping in a choked sound. Her tears wet my shoulder, unlike the rain it leaves my bones and skin warm. It's love.

I hold her tighter, she cries more openly and it triggers something in me. The tears spring forth, spilling out of my eyes.

The pain that has enveloped my heart, that enveloped her heart, is unraveled in this hug we share. It's healing slowly, melding into something new.

“I'm staying Olivia.” I whisper in her ears, bringing her closer.

“I'm staying with you Olive. Always.”

She exhales, catching her breath from the tears. “Me too Leo. I make  this promise to you. I'm staying with you. I'm staying.”


Lucas gives me a hug, saying his last goodbye. The door is shut, and I'm locked out, back  into the starry cold night. It's like a part of my heart has been torn away and I've left it here.

Walking away, I look back at Olivia's room, the light is still on. A smile adorns my face. I imagine her watching me walk away.

Mkhulu's car comes into view, still parked in the same place I left it. I'm excited, the good news of what just happened cannot be contained.

Hopefully I can ease Mkhulu's anger from taking so much time. When I step in front of the car, I see Mkhulu.

Mkhulu fell asleep waiting for me.

Mkhulu's head is lolled to the back in the driver's seat, his mouth agape, his eyes fluttered shut. His snoring is loud, echoing out from the car in a faint sound.

Knocking on the car's window, I try  to get his attention. After a few more seconds of my incessant knocking, Mkhulu jolts up, looking disoriented.

He notices me, through the window. “Took you long enough.”

Slowly, he gets back into his senses, rubbing his eyes and unlocking the car door.

I go around and step into the car, shutting the side door.

Mkhulu sighs, still shaking off sleep. He rubs the back of his neck, easing the muscles.

“So what happened while I was gone? Anything interesting?”

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