Chapter 15: Tricolosis Bosis and Love

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10th of November 2023🥀

"She likes me! She actually likes me! Mkhulu, Olivia likes me!"

Mkhulu, holding a forkful of spaghetti and  fish blinks once, twice. He looks down at his plate of fish and spaghetti and looks back up at me.

"I asked you to pass the salad.And that's all you've been saying since you came back home last night. A little late— I might add  but I'll decide your punishment later. It was cute in the beginning but now it's a little bit annoying."

I pick the salad bowl up, examining it with a broad smile on my face. I reach out to hand it to Mkhulu but before I give it to him I hold his gaze.

"Did I tell you that Olivia likes me? Because she said she likes me and not  like — like of a friend but like like of a guy who actually just might be the man of her dreams. I mean I —"

"Oh for all that is good, pass the salad Leonardo! I'm hungry —please!" he begs.

I give him the salad bowl.

He smiles but it comes out more like a grimace.

"Thank you, " he grunts.

"You're welcome. Mkhulu?


"Olivia likes me."

Mkhulu chuckles, a deep rumble vibrating from his chest.

"Is that how you're gonna finish every sentence from now on."

"Yes—Olivia likes me"

He laughs even harder now,not taking the risk of eating a forkful of his food.

"What if I wanted to have a serious conversation? Like talking about my dead wife or something."

"I'd say I'm sorry for your loss—Olivia likes me."

We both laugh, really hard. The butterflies in my stomach flutter around, longing for Olivia.

"I just can't believe it's working. This whole 36 Questions thing. Google was right. Google was so right I'm making Google the best man at our wedding. "

"Google is ruining your generation. You can't think for yourselves any more. You let the phone  do the thinking." Mkhulu rants, holding onto his cane like he's about to do a speech.

He clanks it on the ground for emphasis.

"I'll let Google walk me and Olivia down the aisle. "

"Google has just taken hold of your brains and it's eating it up slowly that soon the human race will be brainless! Brainless!"

The cane clanks so hard he loses grip of it and it falls clattering on the ground.

"I'll let Google be the ring bearer and even name our first child. I'll let Google name all our children."

"We need more free thinking human minds. Your generation's brains are lazy—lazy I tell you! Back in my day we read to get information. And it was these thick books with countless pages and small words. And the only searching  that was done was flipping through pages."

"Mkhulu you do realize you're not that old. I mean there were computers in your time. Your generation and the next were the ones that created all these things we use so if there's anyone you should be blaming it's yourself. "

"Eh, whatever " Mkhulu scoffs, waving it off,tired of the conversation.

"So…" he says,a smirk growing on his face.

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