Chapter 50: Rejection and Sleep Deprivation

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"-Talking to a girl is easy." I told my teddy bear, Mr squishyton. He was yellow with buttons for eyes and a missing arm that I had bitten off when I was ten years old.

"Talking to a girl, who you talked to before through an experiment of love from the otherside of a classroom door -Who you surprisingly fell in love with but who denied what the two had to go any further than the 36th question.Which broke your heart for a couple of months but you got back up and who now is suddenly back and beautiful and words that I don't have in my vocabulary yet. Talking to that girl is hard..."


23 November 2023🥀

I couldn't believe that I had finally spoken to Bub-Thandiwe face to face.I couldn't believe that our eyes met and that I witnessed the beauty of her smile.I couldn't believe that I hadn't just grabbed her in that library and kissed the -

Okay, calm down!

When I got home the first thing I did was search for the song Night Air. I couldn't believe I was about to listen to a jazz song.

Jazz, according to me, was for depressed old people who wanted to dance in this awkward, bone stiff way, remembering good times. I put on my headphones, making myself comfortable on the bed and pressing play.

It started with a trumpet, tuning out the melody. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"So Jazzy." I said to myself.

There was a whooshing sound effect of a powerful wind and the trumpet halted. Then, the sound of a man's voice, smooth, velvety and unique. He was slow in his approach, gliding over every word and making it hit your soul.

And to think it was just the beginning.

Yep, jazz songs are long.

Then the instruments came into play again, this time with a little more rhythm and beat, it almost made me want to dance...

The man's voice followed the rhythm but it stayed smooth, riding the waves of the beat and before I knew it I was moving my head in that obnoxious way that jazz lovers listen to songs, thinking that they are better than us.

The song was in a few words, Awesome sauce!

And despite it being long, I found myself hitting replay. I found myself dancing around my room in that jazzy way. I found myself laughing at nothing in particular. I found myself feeling the song Night Air on a deeper level, singing along, belting out the lyrics that I knew were wrong but felt that my version was better.

I loved the song with everything in me. It was... words could not express.

And maybe it was the intensity of my love for her that connected to this song so much. Maybe it's because of how I saw her dance in that way, her eyes fluttered shut like she was flying.

Maybe it was because as I danced to the song I couldn't help but picture dancing along with her. I couldn't help but see myself with her as she moved to the tune in that boundless way and her arms were wide open and....

I loved the song!

Right after that, I was on this jazzy high. My mother came into my room, shouting at me about still being in my uniform as well as the condition of my room. I came down for supper, sitting on the blue couch in between my mother and father and we watched those soap operas my mother forced us to watch.

My mind was on Bubby the whole time. Right after supper it was Loadshedding, I had a call with Leonardo and right after that I couldn't take it anymore.

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