Chapter 20: A Fight and Olivia Time

36 14 18

14th of November 2023🥀

" You know that feeling when you wake up and realize-no.Yesterday was not a nightmare, it's actually my real life." I tell Dominique over the phone,while getting ready for school.

"No. I don't know. Are we making these Morning calls a thing because if so- I'll have to schedule you in for 3am in the morning."

I chuckle.

"You're not awake at 3am."

"I'm not even supposed to be awake now but I woke up to the sound of-"
Dominique begins singing.

"-I love you, you love me. We're a happy family. With a great big hug and kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too?

Laughter bubbles out of me.

"The Barney song is your ring tone?"

"Yes and I am unashamed. It's the best song ever and I'll fight you on this one Leonardo. I promise."

Chuckling softly,I shake my head.

"Whatever makes you happy."

"So things are that bad with your mom?"

"Things are not anything with my mother. She just keeps her distance from me and I do the same with her.She thinks she can win me over by being a nice mom but no one wants a nice mom."

I hear movement in the hallway, thinking nothing of it.

"Speak for yourself ! I asked my mother yesterday if I could get these new shoes and she said the day I got those shoes would be the day I got a job,"he huffs, going on " -that If I ever asked her for those shoes again she would take all the shoes I do have and force me to walk barefoot for the rest of my life. A nice mom would buy me those shoes."

"A nice mom is guilty and is trying to please you but nothing she could do could fix what she's done."

"So I'm guessing things in the July house are not as they once were."

"You guessed right, it's like she's sucked out life from everything. Mkhulu and I don't even talk anymore besides when he tells me to study or eat."

"Maybe you should try talking to her? I think it would be good for you."

"Just when I thought you were getting smarter, you lose all your brain cells in one sentence."

"Haha very funny but don't you wanna know why she left or why she stayed away. Now you get to have your answers and this time she can't drop the phone claiming to need to go to work."

I think about this for a long moment and once again Dominique's right. But I still don't want to talk to her.

I don't think Dominique understands this. My heart can't bear it.


Once I'm ready for school, I make my way towards the kitchen but stop in my tracks at their chatter.

"-I just think it's a little weird," my mother says.

"Weird? Why is it weird?"

"Come on Dad we had cornflakes for supper last night and now you're cooking macaroni and tuna for breakfast. This house is practically upside down."

It took everything in me to hold back a groan.

"It's not upside down. Remember I told you -spicing up life."

"Whatever you call it. Breakfast should be had at breakfast time and supper during supper time. Not whatever this is."

"Look Linda you can't just show up and start changing everything," Mkhulu fumes,finally sounding like himself.

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