Chapter 48: Chuckles and Bubby

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It was the second Friday since we started it all and while the two of us talked, still trying to get used to not seeing each other and not mentioning our own names we realized how hard it was.

I mean what was I supposed to call her? Girl?

And what was she supposed to call me? Boy?

"Should we give each other nicknames?" I suggested and I was greeted with her silence.


I smiled. "Uhmm what about..." I proceeded to list off ridiculous nicknames and each time she'd disagree to it, something like breathy laughter touching her words.

I was beginning to realize that her laugh wasn't audible at all, at the very least it sounded more like a breath.

We spent our  time together figuring out what to call the other.

"I think I have one for you," she said, catching me off guard.

I waited, intrigued.

"Chuckles." She said, and I could hear the smile in her tone.

"Chuckles?" I laughed and it only seemed to further prove her point.

"You laugh...quite a lot."

"It burns fat, so it's basically an exercise."

A silence ensued. I wished that I could hear her laugh, it felt like a pleasure denied.I wished, for a moment that I
could see her laugh.

"I'll call you Bubby." I finally decided.


"Yeah.Bubby." It felt weirdly right.

"What does that mean?"

I laughed. "I don't know. It just sounds nice."

"It sounds nice?" She repeated for some reason.

"Yeah... Maybe you could give meaning to the meaningless word."

"Ok. Chuckles." She tested out the nickname she gave me.

And I laughed, content.

One of the Tuesdays 🥀

"-Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?"

"That's not weird at all." I remarked, laughing.

"I don't even..." Bubby hesitated,"take calls.If you call I drop the phone and ask you what you want on WhatsApp."

"You're not cruel at all Bubby,"

I imagined her laughing in the silence.

"And you?"

"Never. And I feel like no one should do that, you can't plan perfection or at least that's what my mother always says...Just pick up the call, speak and at the end of that, they'll be some calls you hate or wish you didn't have but then they'll be those one that leave you smiling and you wouldn't change a thing..."


"In my opinion, that's perfection. Not when you're looking for faults and don't find any but when you find something or someone and you wouldn't change a thing...."


"Yeah, so pick up the phone Bubby. You're missing out on those perfect calls."

One of the Fridays 🥀

"-When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?"

"I sang this morning in the shower." I told her."To someone else, also today. A friend of mine was talking about how he hated the happy birthday song so I just had to sing it for him."

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