Chapter 2: Goodbye Before Hello and a Soccer Game

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5th of February 2023🥀

"Hey Olivia!-Gosh no I sound like I'm Barney, way too much excitement" I groan holding my dark eyes in the mirror.

"Hey Olivia" I practice , staring at myself in the mirror while flexing my muscles. "Didn't see you there" I add, deepening my voice.

I pull off my shirt and throw it across the room- only left in my grey sweatpants as I stare back at my lean body.

"Hi Olive bean" I try but it sounds bad, groaning frustratedly I throw myself on my bed.

It's been a week and I haven't been able to say a word to Olivia. A week!

Everytime I open my mouth nothing but air comes out and believe me that is not how I roll. I mean she's just a girl.

She's just Olivia.

She keeps her eyes focused on the board or her books the whole time. She's caught me staring tons of times but all she does is look, raise her arched brows and quickly look away.

A few days ago, I had hoped that maybe she would start hiccuping again and then I would pull out my water bottle with a smug look on my face.

"Thirsty?" I'd ask.

But of course that didn't happen.

In fact Olivia's pink bag had two bottles filled with water on the sides of it. If that's a sign then I'm boldly not paying attention to it.

6th of February 2023🥀

The next day at school while Olivia quietly writes down her notes I try to practice how I'll jumpstart a great conversation that will make her laugh.

A way to a woman's heart is laughter.

The teacher babbles on about how this will be in our exam but I'm not stressed. I'll just do intense studying the night after and somehow still get great marks.

Olivia on the other hand looks worried as she scribbles almost everything the teacher says in her little notebook.

I clear my throat a little and Olivia looks up at me. My heart does a victory dance for getting her attention and I'm about to say "Hey Olivia do you happen to know the muffin man?"


Mrs Jones slams her books on the desk loudly, stealing Olivia's attention.

"That's it!" She shouts, her chest heaving up and down.

"Dominique, why can't you stop talking! You're always disrupting my class! Always so bothersome. I've had enough , not even sending you to the principal's office can fix you!"

"Just please for all that is holy" she clasps her hands together like she's in prayer, making the class chuckle.

"Switch seats with Olivia I don't want you in front anymore!"

When Olivia starts slowly packing her things I finally realize what the heck just happened! She puts her pink bag on her shoulders but before she gets up she looks back up at me with a small smile on her face.

How can this be goodbye? I didn't even say hello!

She gets up to leave and sits in the front row where Dominique once was.

The lesson continues and Dominique, a light skinned coloured boy sits next to me with a huge grin on his face.

"At Least I get to sit with my best friend!" he cheers ,his green eyes glinting with mischief.

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