Chapter 7 : A Wedding Suit and a Ripped Shirt

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Saturday, 4th of November 2023 🥀

"Why are you dressed like you're going to see the president?" Mkhulu asks,his brows raised.

He's sitting on the black kitchen counter stool.He watches me walk to and fro the kitchen as I quickly prepare my breakfast, trying my best not to stain my black jacket and tie.

"You think it's too much?" I ask , feeling self conscious.

" I think it's a little more than too much. Who are you going to meet anyway?"

I pull open the fridge and pull out the milk so I can pour it on my cornflakes.

"I told you I'm meeting up with Olivia"

"The girl you were stalking for a year"

"I wasn't stalking her but -yes, that's her" I say, sitting across from Mkhulu on one of the stools.

I start chewing my crunchy favourite cereal with the coldest milk -just the way I like it!

The gwonch gwonch noise coming from my mouth annoys Mkhulu so much it makes me smile.I notice how he taps his dress shoe on the floor impatiently.

Normally when someone chews loudly Mkhulu leaves the room but for some reason today, he stays.

"Don't tell me you're taking my advice..." Mkhulu says, sounding worried.

I'm confused for a long moment.
Then, I remember the conversation I had with him about a month ago.
Something about a flickering flame and burning through the night as well as a spontaneous wedding.

All I know is that it was bad advice- thank the Lord that Google had the perfect solution for me, otherwise today I'd be eloping with Olivia.

I stop chewing for a second as I look down at my outfit and even though it's not a suit -it's pretty close.

Then my eyes flick to Mkhulu who looks really worried and his facial expression is a whole mood. It would be called - ' When you're grandson bought a motorcycle and is taking it out for a test drive'

This makes me laugh.

"Well answer me!" Mkhulu scolds, banging the top of his cane on the table.

He narrows his dark eyes at me ,as they brew with intensity.

"You always remind me that this is a Christian household. So I'm just doing what the bible says and obeying my parents" I simply answer, gobbling up my cornflakes.

I don't how I hold in the laugh that is threatening to bubble out of me.

I can't believe he thinks I'm going to get married!

"The bible didn't say obey your grandparents so that doesn't count"Mkhulu sasses, making me laugh.

"So what you're saying is that starting from today-I can start disobeying you."

"I've got a cane and I'm not afraid to use it" he says, slamming his metal cane on the ground.

" You're too young for marriage, Leonardo. You've barely lived life -"

"You told me you got married when you were 12" I point out.

"That's not the point " he says, waving it off.

"You don't even know this Olive girl. What if she's vegan and tries to turn you vegan too. What if she's an extreme feminist? What if she wakes up screaming every night around 1 am and you'll never have good sleep again.I know how much you love your sleep. What if she says the word like a lot. What if -"

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