Chapter 60: Green shorts and Ulterior Motives

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3rd December 2023🥀 — Midnight.

“I still can't believe we drove all the way here. At midnight!  It's crazy Leo. Crazy!” Dominique says, exhaustion affecting his emotions.

It's midnight and I'm at his doorstep.

The green door stands before us, and although this is insane, inappropriate and weird on many levels, there's this courage in me that won't back down.

“You better be right about this.” Dominique says, he knocks, quite aggressively.

His suit is disheveled, his party hat gone and the garland shoved into his pocket.

“I am.” I tell him confidently.

Dominique nods, choosing to trust me.

After another round of Dominique’s harsh knocking the door is pulled open.

“What in the— it's midnight. What are you guys doing here? How do you know where I live? What-who—” Oratile rambles off, a tired frustration cast on  his face.

Oratile's in  green pajamas, that consist of really short-shorts that are borderline illegal. (In my opinion) It makes his legs appear longer, thinner.His  big brown eyes are smaller now,  he blinks sleep away and wipes crust from his eyes.

His face is a pattern of sleeping lines.

Dominique laughs, his energy having returned at the sight of Oratile.

“Dude, you sleep like this?” Dominique  points  at the short-shorts.

I laugh as well, the feeling contagious.

Oratile groans, looking fully awake now. “I'll shut the door.”

“Fine. Sorry.” I quickly say, recovering.

Dominique snickers, covering his mouth with his hand until the laughter dies, but the amusement stays lit in his green eyes.

“Care to explain? Why are you here? And couldn't this wait till like—oh I don't know in the morning. You could've sent me a text.”

“Exactly my words.” Dominique cuts in, coughing exaggeratedly.

“It wouldn't be the same.”

Oratile's baffled but he takes in my gaze, his resolve breaking. He nods, sighing.

“If I know you, Leonardo July, like I think I know you then  you're not here for no reason.”

A silence settles over us, thoughtful.

I decide not to waste anymore time with it.

“I know you're in love with Lisa.”

Oratile doesn't hesitate, he moves to shut the door in our faces but Dominique is quick, placing his foot by the door way.

Oratile groans, hiding behind the door.

“I'm not…in love with Lisa. I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Open the door and say it to my face.” I demand, smirking.

Dominique smirks alongside me, his foot still blocking the door.

Oratile sighs, pulling the door open, a bashful look on his face.

“Ow.” Dominique says, motioning to his foot that got hit by the door.

“ Oratile,this is your chance. You've spent the whole year keeping your feelings to yourself. Hiding. Regretting in silence. I know how you feel man. I've been there but you shouldn't stay there… if you love someone, you should let them know.”

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