Chapter 66: Nerves and Airplanes

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Mkhulu leaving put a damper on the mood. It brightened back up from the funny performances that came after.

Lime’s charming smile is still kept in place as he introduces more and more people.

Dominique orders more food, a lot more. Waiters come by our table, placing white plates filled with food. There's barely space on the table now.

Olivia raises her brows, watching the amount of food the waiters keep bringing to our table.

“Which stomach are you putting all that food in?” Olivia asks.

Dominique laughs, a smug look on his face. “I'm eating for two.”

Olivia's eyes stray to mine, the smile in her eyes. “Two meaning?”

“I'll eat all that Mkhulu should've eaten and mine.”

“So you're killing yourself with food.” I add and he laughs, like it's nothing.

Dominique stuffs more food into his mouth. He takes a bite from a burger on the left plate, the sauce dripping down his chin. Then he takes a bite from the pizza from the second plate to the left, then he nibbles on the nuggets in the other plates.

Olivia and I struggle to keep all the plates on the table, making sure none of them crash to the floor. For a moment we just stare at Dominique, completely baffled with his behaviour.

Dominique feels our stare and with his mouth full, chewing on his food, he sighs. Dominique takes a long gulp of the water he ordered, the only thing that isn't a health risk.

“Okay fine…. I admit it. ” Dominique raises his hands in defeat. “ I'm nervous. I'm nervous like a jiggling chimpanzee in a zoo.”

Olivia and I chuckle.

Dominique's turn to perform is coming up soon but it didn't explain his behaviour.

“What does that have to do with   eating like you'll never see food again?” I ask him.

“I eat when I'm nervous. It's  science. You don't overthink, your heart doesn't race, you're simply eating. You should try it.”

Olivia's facial expression is thoughtful and amused. “I don't think that's healthy.”

“I take life science Olivia, so I think I know a thing or two about health and science.”

She lifts her hands in mock surrender.

“Sure,” I begin speaking, “but do you know a thing or two about common sen—”


The three of us turn to the stage, our attention stolen by Lime's voice calling out someone from the table.

The crowd applauds, everyone waiting to see who will stand up so they know who Dominique is.

Dominique’s wide eyed, frozen. He takes three large  aggressive bites of his burger, before he stands up, chewing really quickly.

He gets on stage. Lime hands Dominique the mic.

Dominique accepts it and when he's alone on stage he's still chewing. I'm not surprised with the bites he took.

This makes everyone laugh, smiles adorning people's faces. Dominique’s green eyes sparkle, his confidence and comfort found surrounded by the sound of laughter and in the space of joy.

“Okay I'm done,” he says when he's done chewing.

Olivia and I laugh, sharing a look and then we look away.

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