Chapter 28: After A Kiss and Friendship

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21 November 2023🥀

“Why are you smiling like a clown in your sleep?” Mkhulu, questions as he shakes me awake.

I groan, snuggling into the warm blankets that make my once cold bones feel like melted butter as sleep continues to beckon me, my eyes heavy.

“I…not…an exam…today Mkhulu. I sleep” Words that don't make sense tumble out of my mouth,  the haze of sleep not allowing me to form proper sentences.

Mkhulu chuckles, settling on my bed.

“ I didn't ask if you were writing an exam. I asked why you're smiling like a clown.”

“I promise not to jump off the cloud Mkhulu just please let me sleep,” I burrow my head into the pillow as Mkhulu continues to laugh.

He wickedly rips the warm blankets away, leaving me exposed to the cold air. I groan loudly, the irritation chasing off sleep. Wiping the crust off my eyes, I glare at Mkhulu who is full blown grinning.

“Answer the question then you can sleep.” Mkhulu stubbornly says, shuffling beside me as I sit up.

“What question?”

“Why were you smiling in your sleep?” Mkhulu quirks a brow, watching me closely.

“I wasn't smiling in my sleep,” I answer, deeply confused.

He sucks his teeth. “ Do I have to pull out the bible so we can look through the commandments? One of them says lying is a sin.”

“I'm not lying. I wasn't smiling.” I answer honestly.

“Uh, huh.” He nods, disbelief colouring his words.

“What did you dream about?” He asks instead, his question leaving me flustered.

Incoherent words tumble out of my lips as I rub my neck.

Mkhulu laughs, a joyous sound and my heart captures the gleam in his eyes that seems to be returning after the pain my mother caused him.

“You came back late last night.”

“Sorry about that. We lost track of time.”

“But you took her home, right? We July men protect our women.”

“Of course Mkhulu. I watched her walk into the door.”

He smiles, satisfied, then he nudges my shoulder, his smile growing into something more.

“So the dream…”

“ A gentleman doesn't…” I try to give Mkhulu clues on what happened last night and in my dreams without actually telling him.

Last night was like a page in my life I'll keep to myself , reading it over and over again until the day I die.

It feels like a treasure you hold so dear to your heart that you don't even tell anyone you have it. But at the same time I feel like telling the whole world that Olivia kissed me last night.

She kissed me!!

The jubilation in my heart is a new feeling that I've been trying to get used to ever since that kiss.

She K-I-S-S-E-D me.

“You see! You have that same smile on your face,” Mkhulu breaks through to my happy thoughts.

I groan, covering my face with my hands while Mkhulu laughs. I try to give him the clue that a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell —so that he can know I kissed her without me telling him.

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