Chapter 58: Nudes and Police

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I never thought I'd hate a name as much as I hated his. When he stepped into Dominique’s party, with his notorious group of friends, my stomach tied into knots.

He strolled in like he owned the place. I met Dominique’s eyes from across the room, silently asking for an explanation of why he was there.

Dominique shrugged, but his shoulders looked tense. He moved through the dancing crowd of teenagers while I did the same. We stopped Wyatt on his way.

He smirked, like he was expecting it.

“Get out.” Dominique gritted out, his green eyes holding no humour.

“What happened to the open invite, Dom Dom?” He said tauntingly.

“Just get out Wyatt.Nobody wants you here.” I echoed Dominique’s  words, harsher.

Over the  years Wyatt built a reputation. A really bad one. One built from trouble, lies, fights and deep seated hatred.  He was a sour topic for a lot of people.

“Oh come on. Not even for old times sake?” His smirk remained, unshakeable.

Dominique scoffed, his anger covering his shame.  “What old times?”

It was through grade eight and  half of grade nine when Dominique hung out with Wyatt, frequently. He ended the friendship as soon as he found out what type of guy Wyatt was.

Wyatt laughed, fake humour echoing out. “ I promise not to cause trouble. I'll be good.” He raised his hands in vow.

I wasn't one for violence but he brought up this urge to want to punch him.

Dominique's eyes strayed to me, silently asking for my advice on the matter. With every facial expression, strain of the eye and movement of my eyebrow, I clearly told Dominique to not let Wyatt stay at the party.

My stomach twisted, a bad feeling settling over me.

Dominique sighed, clearly seeing my answer but for some reason he looked back at Wyatt and nodded. “Fine. But if you cause any trouble…”

Wyatt smiled, as if he expected the answer. I wanted to fight it but I shut my mouth.

He walked past us with his friends, blending in with the crowd. Losing sight of him only made me feel worse.

“I didn't just make a mistake? Did I, Leonardo?” Dominique asked, eyes still searching the crowd for the trouble he let in.

I gave him a look.

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Whatever happens, don't say I told you so.”


“I told you so!” I yell, while we barge into the house, running through the growing crowd.

Everything in the party seems to be the way we left it except for the growing number of guests, who fill every space in the house.

Murmurs and whispers start, with a number of people staring upstairs wondering why the person screamed.

The aftermath of the scream is a tense sort of silence that even the music blasting from the speakers can't disguise.

On the other hand, the rest of the grade twelves decide to ignore the sudden tension and continue dancing and eating their hearts away.

“Everything’s okay!” Dominique stops to assure the crowd. “I'll go check what that was but it was probably nothing!”

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