Chapter 38: Mkhulu's Bestie and Psalm 90

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Mkhulu clutches the suitcase in a deathgrip, taking the millionth breath as we stand right at the doorstep of the yellow three storey house, waiting.

I don't exactly know what for because he didn't actually knock on the door and when I attempted to knock for him, he glared at me.

He takes a breath again and if I hadn't gotten the explanation back in the car moments ago I would have thought he was visiting a girlfriend.

Mkhulu glances at me, like he's noticing me for the first time since we walked up here.

"Let's take a breather."

The smile on my face is automatic, relief flooding my heart.

Sometimes when Mkhulu and I are mad at each other, suddenly there's so many jokes or memes we wanna share with each other; or sometimes it just so happens to be movie night and we're still mad but we also want to talk.

So Mkhulu and I created something called a breather. It means that I'm still mad at you but I also need to talk to you right now, so I'm putting my anger aside but I will come back to it when you least expect it.

"Thank you. Mkhulu you do know that the people on the other side of the door can't sense that we're outside. We actually have to knock."

Mkhulu sucks his teeth, annoyed but there's a small curve of his lips. "Nine years is a long time."

"It is."

" A lot can happen in that time frame, you know."

Like Gogo dying.

I nod, " Maybe you should take-"

The front door is pulled open and the woman who I saw from before almost walks into us. Her brown eyes widen and a half gasp, half scream escapes her lips once she notices that two people are outside of her door.

Mkhulu and I share a look.

The woman's shock is somehow still not done once her eyes take in my grandfather. Her eyes brim with tears.


She pulls my grandfather in for a hug and his nervousness is immediately gone as he smiles back at her and they share pleasantries.

The wrinkles by her eyes are gentle as she smiles, a familiar curve to her lips.When her eyes meet mine she takes me in like every older woman does, with that motherly gaze.

"You look just like him when he was a teenager. The spitting image!"

Mkhulu laughs, " It's like looking at a mirror that reminds you how old you're getting."

We all laugh, her warmth contagious.

"I'm Bina, Bokamoso." She reaches for a hug.

"Nice to meet you mam."

"Please, call me Bina."

"-Still denying that you're getting old at this age," Mkhulu cuts in, a teasing lilt to his voice.

"Not denying anything. I just don't think that growing old means losing your name. When was the last time someone called you by your name? Anyway Never mind that, please come in."

She steps aside, pulling the door open and the warmth and scent of the house wafts past me. We're by the hallway, the floors are a deep rich wood with a golden light chandelier hanging by the ceiling.

The polished floors lead to a staircase. Mrs Bina is already walking up, beckoning us to follow her.

"Bina!!" A deep voice calls, making the woman giggle like a girl.

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