Chapter 3: Grandpa's Advice and Google's Advice

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Olivia stops in her tracks and slowly turns to face me. Her coffee brown eyes widen and her eyebrows are drawn together as she takes me in. We're still about six feet apart and the only ones in the school hallway. I can still hear the loud celebrations coming from the school but it doesn't drown out her soft voice.

"Leonardo" she says, confused.

Gulping down my dry saliva I take tentative steps towards her. " You remember my name" I say, a small smile on my face.

"Of course" she says,with that duh look on her face.

I rub my the back of my neck and my heart rate picks up a little.I look down at her when I'm just one foot apart- closer than we've ever been.

"You never watch the soccer games. Why did you come today?"

She looks intently at me and I wish I could know what she's thinking ?What is she feeling? Is her heart beating just as fast as mine?
Is her brain short circuiting?

Has she also forgotten how to speak proper English?

"A friend of mine asked me to come"

Is this friend a boy or a girl? Is what I want to ask but I stop myself because...

"Cool...did you enjoy the game?"

"Uhh ...yeah...nice footwork-that's what they say, right? " she says,unsure and nervous.

I chuckle.

"Thank you... " I say, smiling.

Then it's quiet. I know she's waiting for me to speak as she stares pointedly at me but all I do is smile dotingly at her.

"I should go," she says, making my smile falter.

"Cool." I find myself replying dumbly.

She pauses, her eyes holding mine for a tense second and then she turns around. She walks away distancing herself from me and I just watch her leave knowing full well that tomorrow will be back to watching her from afar like some love sick psycho.

Back to writing poems I'll never send to her. Back to daydreaming. Back to wondering what she's talking about with her friend. Back to pretending with the guys that I'm not interested in a simple girl like her. Back to us just meeting eyes from across the room and breaking eye contact.


15th of October 2023🥀

It's Movie night Sunday. The house is completely dark except for the television that emanates light. Mkhulu and I are seated on the grey couch munching on the caramel popcorn as we watch Anger management.

It's the part where Adam Sandler sings I feel pretty during the traffic jam and it leaves both Mkhulu and I bubbling with laughter.

Later on during the movie I glance at Mkhulu's hard side profile. " Mkhulu you're old and wise.I need advice"

He puffs air out of his mouth turning to face me. "You're just like my second wife, why do we always have to have serious talks during a movie? This all just leads to unnecessary bickering."

"First of all ouch" I said, placing my hand on my heart. " Secondly, isn't this a dream every grandfather has. It's not everyday I ask for advice."

" My dream would be for you to shut up but we can't all get what we want."

"This is why I won't add you in my graduation speech " I added, making him laugh.

He reaches over the coffee table and takes the remote. He pauses the television and turns to me.

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