Chapter 74: Death and Elevator doors

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“Breathe, Leonardo.” Olivia softly murmurs beside me.

It's been an hour.

It's frightening how fast my heart is beating but  nothing can calm me down.

Dominique and Mrs Van Der Merwe came back first, both of them looking a lot better, with more hope in their eyes  matching with tired smiles. Then I broke the news to them.

“What do you mean Mkhulu couldn't breathe?”  Dominique’s green eyes were alarmed.

“He wasn't breathing…the way…the way he was supposed to…he was and the heart monitor and —”

Mrs Van Der Merwe placed her hand on my shoulder, stopping me, hearing the panic in my voice. “It's okay. Leo. We'll wait to hear what the Doctor says. It'll be okay.”

Then Lucas came back but he came back for Olivia. I felt my hold on her hand selfishly tighten.

It was time for her to go home, the moon was out, the sky was dark, her mother was worried.

“I…I'm really sorry Leo.” Lucas said, and for the first time, he couldn't meet my eyes.

“My mother wants Olivia home as soon as possible and…”

“I understand.” Slowly, I let go of Olivia's hand, giving her the permission to leave.

She paused, then said. “I'm staying.”

Lucas's eyes widened. “Are you crazy Olivia? Have you forgotten who our mother is?”

Even though a part of me wanted her to stay, I shook my head. “Olivia. You should go. Thank you for being here…you've done more than enough.”

“I can't Leo. Mkhulu's condition is critical. If I leave, I'll die of panic back home, I won't even be able to sleep.” Then she looked at her brother, Lucas, a resolve settled over her. “I'm staying.”

She pulled out her phone. “I'll phone ma  myself and tell her everything.” She left my side, going  off further into the hallway to talk on the phone.

It took about thirty excruciating minutes but at the end of that, Olivia came back with a tired smile, settling herself next to me. “I'm staying.”

Lucas groaned. “You're so difficult. There's no way I'm leaving you here alone. So I guess I'm staying too. I'll go get some food.”

I was dreading for the moment that Bina and Alex came. They came, along with Lisa. They all seemed to be holding the other up, there was light in their eyes.

Then they saw me and it dimmed.

I told them everything, they listened without interrupting, Bina held her hand to her chest the whole time and I hated to be the bearer of bad news.

Pastor John was the last one to come back, he just had to take one long look at all the long faces that the seven us held. The misery and pain that hung in the air. The silence that couldn't be filled with any word of comfort.

“Lord…” he muttered softly, settling on one of the seats, his blue eyes holding mine,   telling me wordlessly that he was praying.

And then we all sat there, comforting each other simply with our presence. Barely speaking a word, except to say bless you if someone sneezed or it'll be okay if anyone broke into a cry.


The Doctor still hasn't stepped out of the room, and  nurses  have run in and out of Mkhulu's room with urgency in their steps.

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