Chapter 36: The Drive Back Home and Giving Up

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❄️ Dedicated to @Nwanna13 💓


Right after Olivia said she wanted to go home, the cracks in my heart deepened, connecting to the already broken parts of me.

It was easy to say Olivia's love brought a sweet type of healing to some of my hurts but the past few days it seemed that her love also brought its fair share of hurts and disappointments.

I stayed quiet and we waited for the long line to move in the painful silence. We didn't dare meet each other's eyes but I somehow knew that the same tears I had in my eyes,she also held.

Once paid for, we piled the groceries into the trolley. She did most of it because I didn't want her to have to argue with me about how the cleaning products can't be near the cold drinks or something like that.

I pushed the heavy trolley, Olivia trailing behind me in silence, a coldness settled over my heart.

We found Dominique right outside the store, looking out of breath, his cheeks flushed red like he had just run a marathon.

When I questioned him about it, he looked me in the eyes and said, "Six days."

I scoffed, walking ahead with the six plastic bags of groceries in my hands. Olivia kept a good pace behind me; Dominique helped her carry some of the bags.

We loaded everything into the boot of the car in silence. Dominique noticed the tense atmosphere and he tried to meet my eye, prodding me to tell him what was going on but I ignored him.

I was tired of the secrets.
Tired of the blank spaces, tired of the confusion and feeling like I'm fighting in a dark room, not really knowing what I'm facing.

Here we are now, all of us stepping into the car, Dominique in the backseat and Olivia beside me in the passenger seat.

My heart deflates from the tense atmosphere that contrasts so greatly with how everything was before. The radio is off so the silence echoes.

I place my hands on the wheel, Olivia's words echoing in my mind.

"I want to go home."

"-I'm trying my hardest right now Olivia, burning holes through my brain trying to figure out why on earth you're mad at me."


She keeps her head down, eyes trained on her lap as she twiddles with her fingers.

"Is it because I took you out on a Saturday?"

Olivia stays quiet, angering me even more.

She's hurting me and she doesn't even tell me why?

"Is it because of my clinginess?Am I to clingy, am I not clingy enough?"


"Is it the incessant phone calls and the long texts?"

"Olivia please," I hate how desperate my voice sounds to my ears, but I still get nothing from Olivia.

"Talk to me. Yell at me. Tell me you hate me or I'm irritating but something not this..."

Her gaze shifts from her lap to the window beside her and if she could, she'd turn her back to me right now.

"Leo," Dominique cuts in, his voice soft.

He's telling me to stop, to not go there and that I might regret something.

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