Chapter45: Dominique and Back In Time.

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Back in time- Dominique's POV

22 November 2023🥀

"I've been thinking about a certain phrase a lot lately." I tell Leonardo as we make our way to school.

Leonardo has that expression on his face, his dark eyes amused like he expects me to say something stupid.


"That phrase that says: Everything happens for a reason. Like by everything does it mean everything, everything or just some things."

With Leonardo's expectation having been punched in the face, he pauses for a good second. The second ends and he simply shrugs, not the least bit interested.

I'm not sure if he's too lazy to think with me or being moody.

But despite Leonardo's leonardedness I can't help but think about this phrase.

Everything happens for a reason.

It's a brain hurting exercise that's kept me awake at night.

Could it be true?

Everything from those weird baby pictures my mother took of me, in which I always had my foot in my mouth.

Everything from that time I was seven and I stole those cakes my mother made for church which led to me becoming sick on the way there and puking in her handbag.

Everything about those stories my father would tell me every night that always ended with something weird happening in the end.

Everything from when I was younger and would sit by the stairs of my home those late Friday nights just to watch my parents dance completely content in each other's company.

Everything from dating Cassandra in grade nine who was insanely beautiful but also quite frankly, insane.

Everything from befriending Leonardo, who's like the best guy I know but shouldn't know that otherwise his head will grow big and he'll fly away. Duh.

Everything from the secret notes I've been sending and receiving for months with a girl who's still anonymous to me.

Everything from the horse joke that-

"I really don't know Dominique."

I nod, looking at Leonardo for a moment. " I don't think it's completely true."

He says nothing.

" Think about it Leo." I continue.

"Everything happens for a reason.If someone told me that when I was younger I'd psychoanalyze everything about my life. I'd think about every detail that probably doesn't matter and wonder what the reason for it would be.I think that's how people go crazy."

Cassandra, definitely.

"...Where is all this thinking coming from?" Leonardo asks.

An awkward chuckle escapes my lips.

Could I really tell him that all this thinking is the cause of his mother and all the pains she's caused in about a week.

"Would you be mad if I said it's because of you."

Leonardo says nothing.

"Well not you- you but all that's happened with your mom.It got me thinking."

If only heaven had mom's for sale then I'd totally buy Leonardo one.

"I just wish I could buy you a better mom or something."

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