Chapter 24 : A Good friend and A Goodbye

37 16 13

17 November 2023🥀

“—To know that you'll choose me over 100 other cool people. You'll choose me over the boy that you like sometimes. You'll choose me over those who are more similar to you and that even when someone funnier or cooler comes along... you'll choose me.”

Olivia's eyes stare ahead at the school field, scattered with exam stressed teenagers of Vestalia high as we sit on the empty bleachers.

When her eyes meet mine, it's a beautiful sight to see the morning sun gleaming in her eyes making them a brighter brown.

She's beautiful.

“And does Alicia do that for you?” I ask, intrigued.

Her small smile breaks into something broader. “She's an amazing friend. You too should really meet. I talk about the both of you a lot with each other.”

“You talk about me?” I ask, smirking.

She playfully pushes my shoulder, with hers.

“What about you Leonardo? What do you value most in a friendship?”

“Yesterday, I would have said, keeping my secrets but after talking with Dominique this close to having an argument with him last night —”

“Leo. It wasn't Dominique's fault. He didn't want to tell me but I pleaded with him so much. I —”

“It's okay Olivia,” I smile,“ It's okay.”

Her eyes soften,her body at ease again.

“He told me that sometimes you've got to do something that the person you love needs and not exactly wants. He said more stuff but the point was I'm glad he told you.”

“Dominique is surprisingly wise sometimes.”

We laugh.

“He has his moments.”

“Finalize your question—the bell is about to ring and our Math paper 3  exam awaits to torture us.”

I laugh.

“You and Dominique don't deserve math. It's too good for you.”

She gasps,hands on her chest in mock hurt.

Laughter bubbles out of us.

“Anyway what I value the most in friendship is being there for each other through thick and thin.”

Olivia nods, smiling.

“You're a good friend to me Olivia.”

Her  brown eyes hold mine, twinkling with something beautiful.

“ You're a good friend to me too, Leonardo.”


For someone who was supposed to be out of our lives by now—my mother was still here. She was still leaving but she was waiting for a friend to pick her up and then she would be off.

It was now night time and all her bags were packed ready to be pulled away when she left. Only Mkhulu and I were dressed in our pajamas.

I still remember when Mkhulu officially chased her out of the house. She was clearly heartbroken but some part of her looked relieved. Like she was happy that we were finally letting her go.

I cried myself to sleep yesterday, just like I've been doing since she came but tonight was different. Tonight she'd really be gone. So as I sit in my dark room, texting Dominique my heart races a million miles per second.

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