Chapter 59: Explanation and Love Confession

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It's eleven pm.

Once people heard the police sirens, they all fled the party like they were hard core criminals.

When the four of us stepped into the the house it was eerily quiet, the music had come to a stop. Everything was left a mess. The pens were still on the floor, the couch was somehow turned over and the Pens Down Party sign that was outside was now inside and wrapped around the fridge like a sash.

Now, we're all cleaning up the party, not wanting to go home and not wanting to sit still with our thoughts either.

Maggie picks up the pens, stuffing them in a jar. Dominique sweeps the exploded piñata by the kitchen. Thankfully, Lisa was able to clean and heal his cut with a homemade salve. Dominique can't run around for a while but he's fine.

Lisa packs away the party decorations along with me. Her gaze drifts to me a couple of times like she wants to say something or she wants me to say something.

But how can I?

Dominique and I are uncomfortable with the curiosity we have.

We heard bits and pieces, understood bits and pieces as well as saw bits and pieces but we didn't really understand what had just happened.

Wyatt is in jail.

I climb up the stairs carrying the box filled with random decorations. Dominique told Lisa and I to put them up in the attic.

I try not to dwell on the thoughts, as I head up the stairs. Lisa's light footsteps are heard behind me.

In the attic, a new silence unfolds. It's quaint, a faint smell of room freshener with colorful curtains and a yellow couch. Lisa places the boxes among the others.

I make my way to leave, wordlessly. Lisa grabs my hand stopping me. My gaze drops to her hand. She pulls her hand away, like she's been burnt.

"Sorry." She clears her throat. " I just want to explain myself."

She casts her gaze away, ashamed. A guilty pang shoots through my heart. I was so caught up on the 'knowing, wanting to know everything. Not realizing that Lisa is hurting.

"You have nothing to explain to me Lisa. Nothing."

She shakes her head, her weary eyes holding mine. " I want to, Leo. I want to."

Lisa strolls to the couch, taking a seat on it. Her face is open, willing.

I take the seat beside her ,waiting, silent. I decide not to look at her during the whole talk.

"It was a mistake." Lisa starts, " A mistake..."she mutters, more to herself.

"One that I thought wouldn't follow me anymore."


"Is it okay Leo. Is it okay for people to make mistakes?" She urges me to look at her, my eyes meet hers, the shame clashing with compassion.

"It's okay." I affirm her softly.

She nods. "I was naive. Grade 9. He was older, grade 12. He was...bad for me.I didn't see it then but I see it so clearly now. We dated. It was awkward. I was awkward. He knew...everything.First he said send pictures. I sent them happily. Then he wanted to see a little more. Then a little more. Then...everything."

"...I'm sorry."

"It was my mistake. I'm not going to make myself the victim. I was a fool. Boys don't keep quiet about having those types of things. Even when they promise to. I trusted him and he broke it..."

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