Question 36 and Author's Note

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Question 36.
Let's show some love in the comments.🤗

36.Share a personal problem and  get  advice from other people in the comments on how he or she might handle it.


Welcome, to my writer's corner, take a seat, *gestures, to the empty chair.*

If you're reading this it means you've completed the book and I just wanted to give you a Big THANK YOU!

I'm truly honoured that someone out there chooses to read my book. Just like Leonardo, I'm really big on the appreciation of people who stay. I've been through a lot of challenges while writing this book, almost quit a few times and  I lost readers but  you're still here.

Thank you for staying!

Anyway this Author's Note is not too long, don't skip, please.🥺 It's made up of four parts, the Why, the  Confession, The Takeaway and The Christians.

The Why??🌬️🧐

I started writing this book, around July 2023 and it was all because I felt like I wasn't in love with my writing anymore. I felt like I  lost the passion. I wanted to a write a book I could have fun with, be free in and express myself. I had been watching these videos, 36 Questions to fall in love with a stranger and— BOOM —an idea was birthed.

The Confession🤫

What if I told you that all of Olivia's answers were based on a true story.🤯
That's right, I didn't just make it up on the way. After deciding that this is the book I wanted to make. I copied and pasted all the 36 Questions in a notes app and I answered them, completely honest. That's right,😅 I peed in a jar.

So if you love Olivia technically that means you're in love with me.😂 

Don't worry I love you too. That's the whole reason we were 'falling in love in the comments'  so we could be vulnerable together.

The Takeaway🌹

I'd like to leave you with something. You're probably going to forget this book, forget what it was all about, forget why you started reading and that's okay.

I don't have money, or anything materialistic to give you but I do have... Jesus.

JESUS is real. I've seen him in my own life. I was suicidal and depressed for four years of my life, but God delivered me and set me free.

I was lonely and mistreated but God brought love into my life, he brought people who show kindness to me.

I don't know which area of your life you need God in but if you're not saved I just want to tell you that Heaven is real and God is real. God is the love that stays🥀

If you say yes, to him now, it doesn't matter what comes after, he will always be with you. And He promises to keep you and love you and take care of you. He promises you a better life.

I want you to come in relationship with God NOT religion. Relationship is what will change your life NOT religion.

God is love, so his very being is all about relationship.

Getting saved is  simple, don't close your heart out to him. If you want to get saved, dedicate your life to Christ or come back to him, this is how:


🥀‭Romans 10:9-11 — If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

If you got saved. I want to welcome you to the kingdom of heaven!! You don't know how much your life has changed. The Bible says that when one sinner turns away from his ways and comes to Christ all of heaven celebrates.🎉🎉

Heaven is celebrating just for you!🥳

The Christians🥀

This is the final bit.

This book was about love and not just romantical love, but love in friendship and family, dreams and God.

People don't have love in real life, they find it in the comfort of books and movies and honestly that's heartbreaking.

Love shouldn't be  fictional or a fantasy it should be a reality.

Maybe you're like Olivia and you're a simple girl, that no one really notices, maybe there's nothing strikingly beautiful about you or...

Maybe you're like Lisa, and you're absolutely gorgeous. You walk into a room and heads turn, you've got plenty of admirers but none of them are real, none of them are genuine.

I want you to know that as a child of God, you can give your love life to God and when the time is right he will bring true Love into your life. I want you to know that God desires for you to be loved.🥀

The Bible says that God grants the righteous the desires of their hearts.

‭Proverbs 10:24 NIV‬
What the wicked dread will overtake them; what the righteous desire will be granted.

We are made righteous through Jesus Christ so that means, this applies to us.

I know that not everyone desires marriage so this includes friendship and family, whatever love you desire, God can and will grant it to you.

I advice you to give your desires to the Lord and see what he does with them.

God has blessed me with a really good friend, it brings me to tears just thinking about all she's done for me.

And I promise when God grants me the love I desire, in marriage I will share it and give God Glory, so that others may believe.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for staying❣️

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