Chapter 6 : Math and a Bible

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3rd of November 2023🥀

"I'm gonna be honest with you man. I did not believe in you.This is a miracle!"

Dominique's grinning at me, his hands shoved in the pockets of his blue blazer just like me.

I've finally told him how yesterday went without sharing what was spoken between Olivia and I.

I believe that it's sacred in some way and it would be disrespectful to share what she tells me in private openly like I'm some journalist.

"It is,  isn't it?" I gush, trying to not smile too much. The dimples on my cheeks feel as though they are explosions of the happiness I feel inside.

" And to think. God saw this coming "

"Yeah" Dominique says, sighing wistfully. "All those times you would give her the googly eyes and then pretend like you weren't just gawking at her for three hours!"

"Mxm. Be realistic. It wasn't three hours probably five minutes."

He gave me a look.

"Okay maybe ten."

" You're right but take that ten and times it by six which would equal to three hours"

" Wow. So there really is no  hope for you passing today's  exam." I  snicker.

Dominique frowns.

"I slept with the bible " he confesses, making me burst out in laughter.

It's so painful I pull my hands to my stomach cackling loudly while Dominique glares daggers at me.


Pulling open the door to classroom 16B— I'm shocked to find Olivia already sitting on top of the wooden desk,her legs crossed.

She locks eyes with me and smiles,waving at me like she once did in my dreams.

I pinched myself. Once. Twice. Thrice!

This is really happening.

"What took you so long?"

Laughing,I scratch the back of my head.

" It took awhile to calm my friend Dominique down. He thinks he did horribly and was planning on tackling the examiner and ripping all the papers to shreds."

This makes her laugh.

She throws her head back,her brown eyes turning into crescent moons. If only I was Trevor Noah or something then I'd be cracking more jokes just to see her laugh—like that.

" You know what —Dominique would be doing most of us a favour. I swear the math exam was not mathing"

I snort, pulling out a chair  turning it around so I can lean  on it's back. I sit on it  with my arms crossed on  the top of the chairs back.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're not a fan of math."

She laughs.

" I promise you I'm not an idiot Leonardo but when it comes to numbers my brain turns me  into a cavemen who just found a laptop outside of his cave"

I laugh," Weird analogy but okayyy…"

We both sigh at the same time —the silence tangible.

She looks down at her lap and then back up at me.

" I'm actually quite comfortable with numbers. It's practical and it makes sense. Words can be misinterpreted but numbers are more direct. I especially love solving equations. If only solving problems were that easy."

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