Chapter 33

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tw: drink spiking and symptoms of being roofied

[April 14, 2023]


I feel Nico swing my legs over his arms, carrying me bridal style, opening his car door, and sitting me down. I try holding myself up but I just feel so weak and tired, I just can't. Nico puts my seat belt on and pushes my body towards the center console. He gets in on the other side, driving somewhere. I'm not sure if he's driving to my house or his but I hope he'll stay with me.

I'm still really scared of how my body is reacting to whatever was put in my drink. Nico rubs my head, scratching my scalp softly, letting me know he's there. The drive is short, his hand leaves my hair, and opens his car door to walk over to my side and pick me up. "Where are we?" I ask him softly, rubbing my face like a child.

"Your apartment, I figured you'd want to see Ringo," he says. He's so considerate I could cry but I feel so numb I don't think I could make my brain tell myself to cry. I don't know if I'd even feel the tears. He grabs my keys, pushes my door open, and walks inside. I hear him talk to Ringo as he walks me to my bathroom. He throws a t-shirt over my dress, wanting to make me feel comfortable without making me feel uncomfortable.

He puts together all of my hair and ties it into a bun. It's really loose and you can tell he has absolutely no experience with doing hair just by the feel of it. He walks me to my bed, helping me in, and putting Ringo on my chest. "Can you sleep next to me?" I ask him and he nods, I think since all I can see is his blurry figure. He gets on top of the covers, rubbing my head as I fall asleep.

Bea patrol! (bea not in gc)


I have really bad news, don't let her know I told you but I just need you guys to check up on her without telling her that I told you


wtf happened?

why isn't bea in here?


what happened

is devon alright


yes I'm okay

what's going on nico????


Bea was roofied, and I had to go pick her up.

she called me telling me she was really scared so I got her location and went to go get her

little problem though.. Jack was there




are you suggesting jack did it?


no ofc not

but bea called him 3 times and he didn't answer

so I went off on him and told him to never talk to her again...


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