Chapter 98

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[October 10, 2024]


After dropping off our cats at Dorothea's house because of our trip to the west, we head back home trying to get a few more minutes of rest in a place we both call home. For a while, we won't get to kick back and relax in the comfort of our home. I leave Jack to close the door and plop back onto our made bed attempting to soak in the feeling of the mattress hugging my body. 

Besides Jack, there won't be any signs of home for a bit and it stings to leave all the little trinkets that make me feel better. Our bags are packed and ready to go so that when the time comes, we can go without making ourselves late by taking a few extra things. This time we're ready.

We lay side by side in a quiet apartment, waiting for my alarm to go off when out of the blue Jack pops a question. Not the question, but something that would mean us taking an actual step forward. "Would you want to move in together? Like actually looking for an apartment that feels like both of ours?" He says, turning his head to look over at me. 

The question sits in my head for too long, most likely giving him the impression that moving in with him isn't something I'm interested in but it is. I would love to move in with him but I don't want to leave my apartment. Not just because it's mine but because I've grown here, Ringo has grown here, this apartment has precious and heartbreaking memories. 

It means everything to me. 

"Think about it," he tells me, pressing his lips to my temple. I nod my head, promising to think about moving in with him. I lay in bed beside him with my eyes closed for a few more minutes until my alarm goes off, signaling that our time home is up. 

I roll off the side of the bed, my body being too tired to pick itself up and get off the bed like a normal human being. I grab my suitcase and start heading out the door while Jack wheels his out. We put our luggage in the trunk of my car and drive to our pickup location to board the plane. 

"I'm definitely napping on the plane." I tell my boyfriend with a big yawn, squeezing my eyes shut while I stretch my arms up above my head. He turns his head to the side with a soft grin, reaching his hand over to scratch my head in the way that I love. He chuckles when I press my head into him like a cat.

We stay relatively quiet on the way there due to exhaustion and my overthinking and he respects my space. He doesn't say anything letting me slouch into his shoulder on the plane to California. My body doesn't put up any kind of fight with sleep just as the plane takes off. I hear a quiet chatter coming from the guys around us, but I don't pay any attention to it. Now is about catching up on sleep.

The last thing I hear before fully immersing into sleep is, "Yeah, I asked her to move in with me." 


"Bea, we're landing," He whispers into the side of my head. I take a deep breath in through my nose and roll my shoulders back before opening my face. "Did you get some good sleep?" he chuckles, pushing a strand of my hair out of my face. 

I grumble out a "mhm," and stretch my body in my seat, making Nico and John chuckle. I jokingly flip them off, not caring about my post-nap behavior. I had a good nap, they clearly did not or else they'd understand. Nico goes to say something but he stops after exchanging a glance. I assume Nico was going to press me about my current living situation. 

Devon doesn't say a word, looking out the window as the plane touches California grounds. Her leg bobs up and down and she pops her fingers until there's nothing left to pop. "Are you telling Jamie?" I ask her, grabbing the attention of Nico and Jack. Their faces scrunch up in confusion, eyes popping out of their head as they look my best friend up and down. 

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