Chapter 43

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[June 9, 2023]


The boys have been here for a little over a month, and I'm sad to say today is their last day. We all make our final plans in Greece together, deciding that while Devon and Jamie go on a date, Trevor and I will go to a club only a few minutes away. Just like in Italy, we go to our favorite spots throughout the day, enjoying it together before splitting up to get ready. 

I go into my room, cuddling with Ringo for a bit before taking a shower and blow-drying my hair. I put on some heavier makeup, going for a fox-eyed, siren look. After that, I put on the tiniest little black dress, with some low strappy heels.  I hear my front door open and close and then a loud, "Ringo buddy, I'm going to miss you," I spray on some perfume, rolling my eyes before walking out of the restroom. 

Trevor stops playing with Ringo to look me up and down, "Wow," he says, biting his lip. Ever since the Taylor concert, there's been some tension, but nothing to act upon. "Wow, yourself," I say back, pressing a kiss to Ringo's head before leaving my room. We wish Jamie and Devon a fun date before running down the stairs and to the club. The sun is just now setting as we walk to the club, watching the lights beam out of the building. 

We speed up, getting excited to go inside. Right now there's just soft jazz playing on the streets but Trevor and I are running to where they're playing Pitbull. We show the bouncer our IDs and then walk in, starting to dance as Trevor gets up and drinks. I start dancing to the music by myself as a guy walks up to me, asking me to dance. I say yes because he's cute and I wouldn't mind ending my dry spell. 

He moves behind me, moving my hips, holding them with the right amount of pressure. I look for Trevor seeing he's already met some pretty brunette and is buying her a drink. He brings her to where I am, handing me my drink. I sip my drink as the man behind me picks up on my cues, making me feel really good. He's kissing up my neck, holding the side of my head up, while our hips keep moving. 

I take another sip of my drink as I turn around in his hold, throwing my arm around his neck, my drink pressed against his neck. We keep dancing to the music, and every once in a while I'll look back to make sure Trevor is alright. Right now he's making out with the brunette, holding the back of her head to keep her close. 

Go, Trevor!

After flirting with the boy I'm dancing with his friends call him over to go home. He asks if I would like to accompany him and I say no. "Thanks but I want to stay, so nice meeting you though," I smile, hugging him before he walks away. As he leaves I notice Trevor is now girl-less. He pulls me through a crowd of people telling me that she went to the restroom, and now he's trying to escape her. 

I giggle as he pulls me deeper and deeper into the crowd, I still have my drink in my hand as a familiar and all too famous song comes on. 'Tongue Tied' by Grouplove. I chug the rest of my drink as the beat drops. I wrap my arms around Trevor to hug him before pulling away and screaming, "Take me to your best friend's house, I loved you then and I love you now, oh yeah!" We smile so big our cheeks might start hurting. 

We go off to every single lyric, going back to the bar for a shot called the 'Tongue Tied' shot which is only served when this song comes on. We throw it back, cheering after squeezing our eyes shut and swallowing the alcohol. Trevor laughs at my facial expression before pulling me back to the dance floor and spinning me around. 

"Don't take me tongue-tied! Don't kiss me goodnight! Don't, oh!" We sing, our faces so closely together before I pull away, throwing my head back laughing. When the song ends we take a second to cool down from the dancing and laughing before 'Beauty and a Beat' comes on. Trevor shakes me by the shoulders claiming this is one of his favorite songs. 

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