Chapter 75

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[April 1st, 2024]


"We didn't get the chance to celebrate that night. Let's go out today," Nico says in my office with Devon, Luke, and Jack in here too. Jack looks down at me from beside me, giving me eyes that say "I'll go if you go," I nod my head, reaching for his fingers. He squeezes them, telling me that he appreciates me understanding him without him speaking. We come to an agreement that we'll go, smiling at each other. 

"Look they have their own little unspoken language," Devon points out with her finger, making Jack turn away from her to blush in peace. I wave her off telling her that nodding is not our own language. Luke texts his girlfriend, wanting us to meet her. We hash out all the details in my office while I edit a picture of Dougie ready to post it on our Instagram.

We agree on a time to meet up at a club in New York and head home ready to rest for a while before celebrating like our lives depend on it. Jack walks me to my car, opens my door, and kisses me like it's the last time he'll ever see me. I breathe him in, pushing back with my hands on his chest. He chases my lips, opting for my cheeks when I won't meet him where he wants. 

Luke honks at us, yelling at Jack to stop acting like a touch-deprived animal. He pulls back, helping me in the car before walking to the passenger side and taking off. I drive home, just wanting to curl up on my couch with my cat. I twist the key in my door, calling out for Ringo. He stretches before reaching me, dropping onto his back for me to rub his stomach. 

I pull him up to my chest, kiss his head, and lay on my couch. Ringo moves out of my arms and lays beside me, brushing his wet nose against mine. He shifts in place, turning away from me. I set an alarm on my phone for three hours before we're supposed to leave so I can get ready and drive to Jack's house. I close my eyes, falling asleep to one of my fond memories of Jack. 

"Bea wake up, Luna's awake. Let's go get her," Jack says with a big smile, putting some sweats on and pulling my postpartum body out of bed. I follow him in my oversized sweater and sleep shorts. I curse Jack for waking me up after not being able to sleep well, but quickly forget the momentary annoyance when I hear the sweet baby babbles leaving our daughter's lips. My heart aches to be this far away from me, wanting to rush to her and take her in my arms. 

Jack looks back at me, awing at the noises she's making, picking her up from her crib. "Hi honey," he coos, falling more and more in love with the little baby I spent months creating. I put my head on his bicep, looking down at her precious face, running a knuckle down her baby-smooth face. "Is it me or does she get more and more perfect every day?" He asks, kissing the tip of her nose. She scrunches her face up not liking the feeling of her Dad's wet lips against her skin. 

"Oh no need to fuss, I'm sorry. I won't do it again," he whispers before kissing her nose again. "Just kidding," he says, booping her nose making her fussy again. I smack his shoulder, taking her from him with a laugh. "Quit bothering her," I tell him, complaining to Luna about how annoying Jack must be. She opens her blue eyes-


I wake up from my nap, stretching my arms up above my head with a smile. I look around as if I'm still stuck in my dream looking for an older Jack and a babbling baby. When I realize I've really woken up from the life I hope to have one day I feel my heart sink a tad bit. Is that what I truly want? Yeah, it is. It might be a little early to know this and feel the way I'm feeling but when you know you know. 

I pick out a fun black mini-skirt with silver stars on it, a black shirt, and silver heels. I check myself out in the mirror, wanting to make sure it doesn't look weird on me. I touch up my makeup, setting it with some makeup spray and patting my hair down. I text Jack to tell him I'm on my way and leave my house, making sure the door is locked before leaving. 

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