Chapter 65

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[January 16, 2024]


This morning I had no time to be taking pictures during their practice I've been stuck in my office meeting all my deadlines. Out of nowhere, Gary dropped a bunch of paperwork, I had to fill out by tonight. Luckily tonight's game will give me tons of content since it's the game where the Hughes brothers play against each other for the first time while all in the NHL. 

I have no time to even go home and give Ringo some food for tonight, I can't even find my phone under all the paper in my office. I put my head in my hands, stressing out over Ringo not even thinking about how hungry I am. Because today was supposed to be easy I had planned on going home for lunch and didn't bring anything. 

After making my heart race over how Ringo could be feeling, someone opens the door and for his sake, it better not be Gary. I look up, hoping it's Devon but instead am slightly let down that it's Jack. "Hey, I really can't today, I'm sorry," I tell him, shaking my head but instead of leaving he closes the door behind him. Did he not hear me?

"How can I help?" he asks, with a soft look in his eye. A look that melts me into the palms of his hands. He crouches down, grabbing my hands off of my desk. "You can't, this is all stuff I have to do," I tell him, dropping my shoulders. "Is there anything outside of all this paperwork that's stressing you out? I've seen you do way more than this when Luke was joining," he mentions, reminding me of the day he helped me out when my car broke down. 

"Ringo, I'm scared he's hungry. I can't go home for lunch and I feel so bad for him," I tell him, letting him take a weight off of my shoulders. "Do you need me to go feed him?" he asks, using a gentle tone as if he was talking to a child. "I'd really appreciate it," I say, not wanting him to feel like he has to. It would make getting through all this work lighter on me. I could get through all my work without feeling so guilty. 

"You got it, does Ringo's Mom need food?" he asks, taking his hand out from mine and using it to hold my face up to meet his eyes as his thumb caresses my cheek. "No, I'm okay," I lie, not wanting to feel like a burden. "Alright so I'll be back with some burgers from Penny's, okay?" he presses his lips to my forehead. "You didn't move," he notices, making me laugh. In all honesty, I forgot that we weren't like this. I forgot that this wasn't normal.

"You deserved it, you're being really sweet," I tell him, knowing he's been sweet from the moment he apologized to me. I hand him my house keys, letting him go to my house so he can feed my cat. I finish a lot of my work with a new peace of mind, knowing that Ringo is being taken care of. My stomach rumbles as I get through another stack of contracts for the interns. 

I create a stack of complete paperwork, sending out the new contracts so that by next week, we can get all our intern class in line. I can see my phone now, sitting at the corner of my desk. I look over to see 'Pretty Boy' texted me. At first, I'm taken aback by the contact name then remembered I was drunk when I changed it. I change it again, knowing that if he caught sight of it I'd never hear the end of it. 

jack rowden 🫂

fed, and is being cuddled

think he missed me...

think he missed me

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