Chapter 55

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[October 20, 2023]


Harry's been away on a work trip to Washington and I haven't seen him since the day he slept over. I hate to feel like the clingy girlfriend but I miss him, and he said we could have a night in to catch up on the time we missed together. We've only had nights out and a laid-back night in might be what we both need. He's exhausted from all the traveling and I like not needing to dress up. 

I close my new office door, running out of the building to avoid bumping into Jack, who seems to know my schedule now. As I walk towards the door closest to my car I see Jack walking up to the glass door and leading me to turn around, preferring to use a different door than give him the chance to make me feel unwanted and unwelcome feelings. "Oh come on!" he yells, as I walk farther away from him. 

I leave through the door farthest from my office and parking lot, it's a bother, but Jack won't be there and that's what matters to me. I walk out the door, putting my headphones in as I walk to my car, hurrying so I can clean and set the place up for our night in. I look over to my right to see Jack standing right by my car. I roll my eyes, walking towards my car, without pulling an earphone out. I unlock my door, watching Jack open it for me as I step inside. 

I'm not rude so I say, "Thank you," not daring to look up at him when I say it. The song I'm listening to ends when he says, "Anything for you gorgeous, drive safe," The next song starts playing right after he closes my door. I close my eyes, internally groaning at this new personality Jack has taken on in an attempt to win me back. 

I drive off, going home to slide down my door in frustration. How did he avoid me so well? I could never find him whenever I'd look for him but now that I'm trying to stay out of his way he's everywhere no matter what route I take to my office or the ice. Ringo runs over to me, his little gold bell that hangs around his neck jingling as he runs over to me. "My sweet boy, hello, did you have a good day today?" I ask as he hops up on my lap, slouching against my chest as I run my fingers through his fur.

After a few minutes of giving him extra love since he'll avoid Harry like the plague I get up setting up a few candles around my living room and making a small pillow fort in my living room. It's childish but I think it'd be fun. Before getting home I went out to buy some wine, putting two glasses and the bottle on the coffee table. 

I switch out of my work clothes into some cozy pajamas, putting my hair back into a braid before getting started on some dinner for us. I call Trevor so he can talk me through the recipe while we catch up. Well, he insists on telling me everything new with his life since I "never call him anymore," which is a total lie. He tells me all about this girl he met at the beach when he was on a run. Her name is Lila, and according to Trevor, she's the prettiest woman he's ever seen.

"Z, that's amazing! You're finally getting off my back," I tease watching his smile drop and be replaced with an "Are you serious?" face. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you know I love you," I laugh watching him mock me before he says it back. I let him off the call, just needing to mix the pasta with the sauce and chicken. 

Around six, Harry walks in, dropping his work bag on the floor and walking over to me. He looks over at the pasta first, complimenting it before leaning down to pick me up and hug me. "I missed you so much," he says into my neck, his facial hair brushing against my neck, irritating it slightly but it's okay. "I missed you more," I giggle, pulling away to kiss him deeply. 

I put some pasta onto two plates, taking it to the living room where I pour some wine into our glasses. We eat our food in comfortable silence, just wanting to enjoy our meals in peace. Everything has been so quick and snappy that we just needed some time to ground ourselves. "This is nice," I say, smiling at him from across the table. He nods his head, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. 

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