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AGE 11

I tiptoe down the hall, Zayn and Sa'ad following closely behind. The faint voices get louder as we approach the living room. I move to open the door, but Zayn pulls me back and shakes his head. He points to the corner, and we huddle beside the door and press our ears to the thin wall, hoping to hear better.

"Don't be dense, Halima. You need our help to manage such a company," a voice says.

"Halima, all we want to do is help. Your boys will not be able to run the company until many years later. We'll hold it down for now, and when they are of age, we will step down," another speaks.

I share a look with Zayn, and he gives me a faint smile. It was no secret why our uncles had visited constantly since our father passed. They wanted his company, but my mother would not budge. She could see through them. We all could. If my brothers and I weren't so young, she wouldn't have to deal with their constant harassment.

"I'm not interested. I will ensure the company stays afloat until the boys are old enough. You all do not have to worry about us," Mama says.

"Enough of this, Halima. This company belonged to our brother. Our brother!" a voice bellows.

Sa'ad flinches from the volume and grips my hand, and I squeeze it softly to reassure him.

"Please leave my house. If you keep shouting, you'll wake my kids," Mama responds.

It goes quiet for a second before a loud crash sounds. This time we all wince and cling to each other.

"This is our brother's house. We have every right to be here," the first voice says.

"And I am his wife. This is my house. Those boys are his kids! He wanted them to succeed him, not you greedy fools. I'm asking for the last time, leave my house," Mama replies.

More crashing sounds erupt, and Zayn decides to go in. We all follow suit as he pushes the door open. Heads turn in our direction, and Mama sighs as she sees us. The vases that once decorated the room now lay in pieces on the floor. Our three uncles stood, their chests heaving and fists balled in rage.

"I told you you'd wake my kids," she sighs. One of the men scoffs and snarls at us.

"Let's get you all back into bed. You have school in the morning," she says, walking forward. "Escort yourselves out." She says to them before ushers us out and back up the stairs. Zayn and Sa'ad walk into their rooms, but I remain in the hallway.

She smiles sadly before wrapping her hand around my shoulders and walking us into my room."Is everything going to be okay?" I ask.

"Of course. You all will make your father proud. It will be challenging, but you must stay strong for your brothers and me, Tayyib," she answers.

I hum as she helps me to bed and tucks me in. "Will you be okay?"

She sits and pats my chest, "I will. I have you and your brothers. I must remain strong for you all. It would be best if you didn't worry about all this. Just focus on school."

I couldn't give her what she asked for. That night I slept with worry etched into my heart, the fear of uncertainty consuming me.

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