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I shook away the events of last night as I got ready for the day. I didn't want to think about it, but the image wouldn't leave my mind. I felt foolish. Betrayed. Heartbroken. Disgusted. To think that I was so worried about him.

Nearly had a heart attack because he wasn't responding to me. Just to find him clutching onto Maleeka for dear life as he sobbed into her shoulder, and she rubbed his back soothingly. And even when he saw me, he didn't let go.

Tayyib is a piece of shit, and I'm happy I found out before I got in too deep. I should have heeded her words. I should have believed them when she first uttered them. I thought too highly of myself, and now it has blown up in my face. How could I be so gullible? So stupid?

Still, a part of me wanted to comfort him. I wanted to push Maleeka out of the way and offer him my shoulder, but I decided against it. He looked comfortable in her arms. Why should I interrupt?

Even after that, he hadn't come home. He didn't chase after me, he didn't call, didn't text, nothing. What an ass!

I dropped the kohl pen I was clutching onto the vanity and stood. I had no motivation to look good. I grabbed an abaya from the closet and put it on before grabbing my wallet and house keys. I exited the main gate and walked till I reached the main road, where I found a taxi.


"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask Muhibba as she pats my head softly. Her room was the only place I felt safe at this moment. I've been in my best friend's arms all day.

"I would love to host you, but I don't think it's a good idea," she replies.

I blinked back my tears. "I don't want to go back there. I don't want to see his face or hear his voice," I say.

"I know Naddy. But they might worry about you. You didn't bring your phone or tell anyone where you were going," she states.

"I don't care, Hibba. I don't want to go back," I reply, sobbing.

"Do you want me to take you to your parent's house?" she asks, and I shake my head violently.

"No. I want to stay here," I answer, and she sighs.

"Okay then," she responds.

She does her best to offer me support and cheer me up before I fall asleep. Sleep seemed like the only way to escape. In the morning, I take a shower and change into her clothes. We watch Married to Medicine while she forces me to eat.

Her parents were not in town, and her brothers did not seem to care that I'd been rotting away in their house for the day. I do not think they even know.

A knock comes to the door, and she goes to answer it. I recognised the voice of their maid but could not make out what she was saying. "I'll be back," she says, following the maid somewhere. I nod, grab the remote and pause the episode.

Once Muhibba returns, she looks at me sadly, and I groan. "He's here, isn't he?" She nods slowly, and I sigh as I get up.

I knew this moment would come eventually. My sadness had not dissipated. It had just been overshadowed by annoyance and anger. The whole situation was annoying.

"Why do I have to deal with this?" I whine, and Muhibba laughs.

"Just ignore him. No matter what he says. You can talk when you feel like it. He's the traitor, so he has no right to get upset," she advises.

"I like how you think," I say, putting on my abaya.

"Glad to see you're feeling better," she says and hugs me.

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