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Tayyib walked into the stable as I was getting to know the last horse, named Trigger. "You must feed them very well. They're all huge," I say excitedly.

He hums as he strokes Trigger's mane, and the horse leans into his touch. He had changed into white riding pants tucked into his knee-high riding boots and a black turtle neck shirt with a zipper running down the neck and stopping by his mid-chest.

"Have you picked one yet?" he asks, and I nod. I run in the direction of a white horse with blonde hair and point at it.

"I want him. But he doesn't have a name," I say.

"He just came in from Argentina. You can name him," he says. I clap my hands excitedly and look at the horse, "What should I name you? Something cute right?" I ask the animal.

I think for a while before it hits me. "How about prince cinnamon boots?" I beam, turning to Tayyib for support. He stares at me with amusement before nodding. The Replacements was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid. How could I own a horse and not name him prince cinnamon boots?

"It's your horse. I can't object," he replies, and I squeal excitedly. "We're going to be best friends!" I yell, reaching in to hug the horse.

"Let's put your bag away while the stable hands get the horses ready," he says, exiting. I pet PCB one last time before running after Tayyib. He takes my bag into the small cottage and emerges with equestrian helmets and gloves.

I squeal and pull out my phone to record prince cinnamon boots as the stable hand brings him out. I wanted to show him off to everyone. The girls would freak.

"Can you ride on your own?" Tayyib asks, handing me the helmet and gloves. I wasn't sure of my abilities, as I had only ridden once when I was younger, but I was willing to take the risk.

"I think I can manage," I respond.

"He's calmer than the other horses, but I'll have a stable hand hold him for you. It'll be safer that way," he replies. I slip the gloves and helmet on before Tayyib helps me climb unto the horse. After getting me situated and familiar with the reigns, he climbs unto Trigger.

"Is he your favourite?" I ask.

"I've had him since I was 19," he responds.

"How old are you now?" I ask as the stable hand begins pulling Prince Cinnamon boots.

"30," he answers as we begin the track.

I observed his face, looking for a sign that he wasn't being honest. But there was none. He didn't look anything close to 30. If I had been asked to guess, I'd say 26 at most.

"11 years is a long time. You must be attached," I say.

"Something like that," he mutters. "We're going to gallop for a while," he adds, and I nod. He clucks his tongue, and Trigger takes notice and begins galloping faster. Soon they're far off in the distance as I continue riding slowly.

Tayyib passes by me twice before I even go around the track once. I stare at him in awe of his skills. He looked majestic as he rode. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and took a quick video of him for my Instagram story. It was too cool not to post.

Even though our relationship wasn't your typical married couple, I still wanted the world to know this man was technically mine. He rides fast for a few more minutes before joining me once again. We go around the track once more before dismounting.

I wait for Tayyib to change, and we return to the car. "Are you up for late dinner? I haven't eaten," he says as we get in.

"Of course," I answer as he begins driving. He drives fast as I ask him multiple questions about cars and driving. He wasn't much of a talker, but he didn't seem annoyed with me, so I kept going.

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