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The house was awfully quiet once I walked in. I expected Nadira to be in the main living room downstairs because she usually watched a show at this time.

I went up to her room and knocked before letting myself in. "Nadira. I'm back," I say, looking around the room.

I checked the bathroom and closet, then headed to my bedroom when I couldn't find her. "Baby? Are you in here?"

The room was quiet, and there was no answer, so I took my phone out of my pocket and called her. "The number you're calling is currently switched off," the automated voice said.

I pulled the phone from my ear and stared down at it. Why would her phone be off? She isn't one to not charge her phone.

I called her mother and sisters and asked if she was with them, but each said no. I then called her friend, who also said no but said she would ask her other friends and let me know. I got her text three minutes later saying none of them had seen or spoken to her today.

I pocketed the phone and headed out. I scoured my brother's houses before ending up in the main house. I walked into my mother's room, where my brothers were still scattered.

"Has anyone seen Nadira?" I asked, and they all shook their heads.

"Have you checked my house?" Sa'ad asks.

"Or mine?" Yasir adds.

I nod and sit beside Zayn. "Her phone is off, and she didn't say she was going anywhere. I've called everyone she could be with, and they all haven't seen her."

"That's strange. If she's not here or with her family and friends, then where could she be?" Mama says.

I run a hand through my low-cut hair and groan. "Are Owais and Junaid not back?" I ask, and Sa'ad points behind me.

I turn around, and they greet me with smiles as they walk into the room. "Have you seen Nadira?"

They look at each other and whisper. I narrow my eyes at them, and they smile again. I stand and stalk over to them. "You're hiding something," I say as they step back.

I move closer to them, and they keep moving away. "What are you hiding?"

They quickly raise their hands. "We'll tell you. But first, please sit down," Junaid says.

I cock my head and eye them suspiciously. "Why do I need to sit down? What happened?" I ask, getting agitated.

"Just sit. Mama, please tell him to sit," Owais pleads.

"Why? What did you do?" She questions.

Junaid tugs at his hair and motions to Sa'ad. "Please," he begs him.

Sa'ad comes over and gently pulls me to the couch. He pushes me down and sits beside me. "You better start talking," he says to them.

They come closer and stand before everyone. "Junaid convinced me," Owais blurts out.

"Convinced you to do what?" Yasir asks, moving to the edge of his seat.

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