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Grazing over the paperwork Ahmad had brought in a few minutes ago once more, I nodded contently before placing it on the table, signing it and then handing it back to him. "Tell the legal team they did a good job on the contract," I instruct.

"Yes sir," he replies, putting the contract into a folder and exiting my office. I had never fired him; I just told him to take a few weeks off because resisting the urge to strangle him each time he walked into my office would have taken too much restraint. Restraint I didn't have when it came to my wife.

He was somewhat good at his job, but the main reason I let him keep working for me was because I knew it would upset Nadira. The thought of her caring for another man made my blood boil, but I valued her happiness more than anything, and if tolerating Ahmad would spare her upset, I just had to put up with it.

I grab my phone, which had been buzzing nonstop while I read the contract and find numerous messages from Nadira. I haven't been able to spend as much time with her as I wanted to, and I know it's been bothering her. I was taking care of as many things as I could in a day so I could free up my schedule a bit.

As I began reading the messages, Christina walked in, "Sir, the 4:30 meeting is about to begin." I sighed and set the phone down. I got up from my chair, put on my suit jacket and headed to the conference room.

Ever since our uncle was caught, it's been easier to acquire the remaining businesses our father had let his brothers run. As they were independent of the MG group, our vile uncles were able to keep them, but with their backbone now in prison, they were willingly letting go of the companies, making our schedules even more hectic.

"There he is. Our favourite brother," Junaid said, running up to me with Owais trailing behind him.

I grunted and ignored them. "Come on, Tayyib. It's been two months. We've apologised numerous times," Owais tries to reason, and I grunt again.

"You've forgiven Nadira already," Juniad whines.

"That's because she's his wife," Rayan says, appearing beside me. "You two are nuisances," he adds.

Owais scoffs. "No one asked for your input. Go away".

"Shouldn't you be home with Manal since she leaves tomorrow?" Junaid asks.

Rayan groans and runs a hand down his face. "I don't think I can go through with it," he replies.

Sa'ad popped his head out of the conference room and shook his head. "You've already told her she can go. You can't change your mind now."

Rayan sighs as we enter the meeting room. I pat his shoulder reassuringly and offer him a smile, which he returns. We all take our respective seats, and I mentally prepare for another draining two hours.


I stare down at my phone in confusion. I haven't gotten a single text back from Tayyib since morning. It's been like this for weeks now, and my annoyance was growing to new lengths. He's trapped me in this house, and he's away all day throughout the week, even on weekends. Weekends! What kind of psycho works on weekends?

I hiss, throw my phone to the side and look back at my friends getting ready to leave. "What kind of life is this?"

"Asking that question whilst lounging in your mansion is brazy," Maryam replies.

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