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The night had passed, and soon, another morning arrived. As I held Nadira's hand, watching her endure the intense waves of pain, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed me, leaving me simultaneously excited and guilt-ridden. The anticipation of finally meeting our children filled me with an indescribable joy, a sense of wonder at the miracle unfolding before my eyes. Yet, intertwined with this exhilaration was an overwhelming feeling of guilt as I witnessed her bearing the brunt of the immense pain of bringing our babies into the world. With each contraction that contorted her face in anguish, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of responsibility gnawing at me.

Her hand clasped mine tightly, fingers trembling with each wave of pain, yet her eyes held an unwavering determination, a strength that both humbled and inspired me. At that moment, as I gazed into her eyes, I made a silent vow to stand by her side, to offer whatever support and comfort I could muster amidst the chaos of childbirth. Yet, even as I whispered words of encouragement, a part of me couldn't shake the guilt that threatened to consume me. Was I doing enough? Could I ever truly repay her for her sacrifice, for enduring this agonising ordeal on my behalf?

As another hour passed, each one seeming to last forever, I was in awe of her fortitude and constant will in the face of hardship. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking at me with a weak smile. 

"You can't be serious," I replied, moving her hair out of her face. 

That only made her smile brighter. "I am. You look like you're about to cry."

I sighed and rubbed my temple with my free hand. "I just might. I hate seeing you in this much pain."

"It's okay," she replied, squeezing my hand. "My suffering is for a good cause. Besides, I'll look back at it and laugh when all this is over."

"I love you. I truly do," I say, looking into her gorgeous eyes. Her mother had given us the room while Laila and Amna had gone outside to meet their Husbands, who had brought their babies to them, so it was safe to say it out loud. 

"I love you more," she replies, lifting her head off the pillow and puckering her lips. I laugh a little before giving in to her whim and kissing her lips. "It's okay if only my mom is present when I have the babies, right? I've heard horror stories, and I don't want to be unable to face you once all this is over."

I chuckle and kiss her again. "Horror stories?"

"I'm not putting those images in your head," she replies. 

"You forget that I've done my research, and if you're worried about-" she covered my lips before I could finish my sentence and shook her head violently.

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence," she warns, and I laugh.  

"You can have your mom with you. I'll wait patiently," I tell her, and she grins before letting out a scream. 

"I think that wait is about to start because I feel them coming," she says. 

The panic sets in, and I bolt to the door. As soon as I open the door, I spot the Doctor walking by. She doesn't wait for me to speak before following me back into the room. "I was about to come  check how far dilated you were after making some rounds."

She steps back out and calls the nurses before getting to work. I watch anxiously before she turns to me. "She's fully dilated, so she needs to start pushing." 

"I'll get your mom. Hang in there," I say to Nadira. I kiss her forehead and exit the room. 

I find her mother chatting away with a few people down the hall, and we return to the room together. I walked over to Nadira as the nurses prepped for the delivery and prayed for her. "It'll go well, so don't be scared, okay?"

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